Mark Russell

They're going to share the throne like John Travolta and Olivia Newton John in Grease.

Yeah, but it's not like she accidentally burned down the wagon train. That was a fully intentional surgical strike.

When Brienne asked Arya who taught her to move like that, I was hoping for a quick flashback to Arya chasing that cat around King's Landing.

Why would you focus on destroying the baggage train, all of which becomes yours once the Lannister army stops smoldering? That's the sort of thing you do when you're harassing a larger force you don't want to engage in battle, not a smaller army which you've all but beaten. That's your shit you're burning! Unless,

I hope the jocks at the Citadel give Sam a hard time only to have him use his booksmarts and understanding of science to get his revenge on them.

Cersei, Jamie and Euron have done a masterful job at playing the few cards at their disposal. Using what remains of the Lannister power to simultaneously take the much more vital Highgarden while turning Casterly Rock (which neither of whom cared much for, anyway) into a trap. Using Euron's pirate fleet to all but

This was probably the most consistently tense and stunning two hours I've ever spent in a movie theater. Dunkirk is a genre-defining war film.

Trump is congenitally incapable of giving a speech that doesn't ultimately turn out to be about him and his lifestyle.

That was how I reacted to it, too. The operation itself was so grim that the edit from his oozing pus to the yellowish soup seemed like a really forced attempt at gross-out humor. Plus, it was a tactic they'd already used in Dragonstone, to similarly groan-worthy effect.

I think we're all operating safely under the assumption that Cersei will not get out of this series alive, but now that Arya is heading north to Winterfell, who will kill her? This might seem counter-intuitive, but if I had to put money on one candidate, I'd bet on Jamie. They've spent a lot of time on building how

I wish Jon was savvy enough to pull a Tyrion and let some fake travel plans slip in front of Littlefinger to test whether or not he'd betray him.

Yeah, but him being Euron's gift is a different bet than him being in the dead pool.

Well, she's a monarch. So she's going to be under much heavier personal guard than her advisors. Plus, other than Dany, Tyrion is really the one that would make a "perfect gift". They've spent a lot of time establishing that Cersei really really wants Tyrion dead, so if Euron could pull it off, it would demonstrate

The Iron Born are raiders. They broke into the Dreadfort to rescue Theon, I assume they'd use similar small-scale tactics to kidnap Tyrion.

How is Tyrion Lannister not one of the options in Euron's priceless gift bet?

I think they were trying to put to bed the old fantasy trope of a prince marrying for true love by saying, "This is what would happen if he did that in the real world." Yes, that was a disastrous decision on his part, but again, I think he felt that was more honorable, or at least more honest, than keeping his

He definitely gave Sansa the sly-eye when she was talking about Lianna down in the crypt.

I think Ned told Cersei that he'd found out about her because he thought it right to give her a chance to flee with her children. Robb Stark, similarly, was doomed the moment he executed Lord Karstark for murdering prisoners in his care. It was their sense that doing the right thing is always better than doing the

Game of Thrones never seemed to be an argument in favor of cynicism to me, but rather that an able ruler is one who finds the right balance between honor and ruthlessness. Be too ruthless and cunning, like Cersei or Littlefinger, and you find yourself hated and alone. Be too blindly honorable like anyone with a dick

Sam is becoming an accomplished night-thief.