Mark Russell

Part of me hopes that one of the spinoffs is about Varys and Littlefinger sharing an apartment.

Between the dragons and a sea of dragonglass arrows raining down on the White Walkers, the Army of the Dead doesn't seem to stand much of a chance.

I think Littlefinger's smile was in part relief for the fact that Arya was smart enough to follow the bread crumbs he laid out without nearly as much time and effort as it took her dad.

She marries him and seals her forces to his legitimacy like in a Tom Petty/Stevie Nicks duet.

If it were public knowledge, it would matter. Dany is a foreigner leading an army of Dothraki and Unsullied. The only argument she can make to the people of Westeros that she's not just some foreign invader is that she is also the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. She'd probably win regardless, but her legitimacy and

Might as well. At the very least, he needs to be in some sort of independent study TAG program.

Even with our technology, sailing around a continent takes weeks if not months.

I was looking forward to another one of Davos' "I'm just a smuggler from Flea Bottom" sales pitches, but yeah, I can understand why Gendry might not need convincing to flee the service of the people who had tried to kill him.

Samwell Tarly successfully operated on a patient with late-stage greyscale, made a major mining discovery that will, in all likelihood, save the world, AND he unwittingly stumbled upon the evidence which completely rewrites the line of succession for the crown. Not a bad freshman year.

It clearly must have happened before Robert became king as he wasn't able to take the throne until after Rhaegar was dead.

I feel confident that Bran will be Littlefinger's undoing. That, and having shown his hand at his true ambition (to ascend to the Iron Throne and marry Sansa) he becomes as prone to manipulation as anyone else.

That's possible, but there still seems to be some reason to maybe bring it up considering the whole rebellion was sparked by the assumption that Rhaegar had abducted Lyanna against her will, especially if he had performed this ceremony before Ricard Stark confronted the Mad King.

One of the rules of this world seems to be that it takes a million years to walk anywhere, whereas traveling by sea gets you almost anywhere instantly.

This was probably my favorite episode of the season so far. What it lacked in spectacular battles, it made up for in intrigue, which has always really been the heart and soul of the series. Plus, the assembly of that dirty dozen team to go north of the Wall is one of my favorite plot developments of the series.

If it was a secret, he probably wouldn't have written it down in a scroll and put it in the library for anyone to find. It just seems weird that it was important enough to record, but not important enough to make sure other people knew about it.

It was good to see Jorah be the source of the cock-blocking for once.

How does a maester record the annulment and re-marriage of the Crown Prince which forever changes the line of succession without thinking it worth telling anyone?

Yeah, but the worst thing Cersei could do would be to go back on her word and force that banker guy to go home empty handed. Then they probably would back Daenerys Targaryen.

No. No, we did not.

Iron Bank: Well, on the one hand, you did repay your entire debt to us. On the other hand, your entire army has been cremated. How about you just accept this complimentary Iron Bank calendar and we'll call it good?