Mark Russell

I hope somebody tells Ed Chambers there's an opening at Raviga.

Wow. Just wow. It's like this ad was created by a google algorithm or something.

I don't like reliance on lists as replacements for cultural critique, but in an industry where remuneration is paltry and opportunities for recognition rare, appearing on a NYT Best-Sellers list was, at the very least, a great feather in the cap for creators who have in all likelihood been struggling for decades in

My favorite Black Mirror episode.

Harder than it looks. There's only so much that rhymes with "Gorbachev".

I think it looks great!

My Top Ten would be:

The jump cut from Erlich's speech of broken trust to him throwing popcorn into Richard's mouth was one of the best moments of the season.

Cersei and Danaerys seem to be two sides of the same coin. Through Cersei Lannister we are shown the dangers of dealing with immediate threats at the expense of long term solutions: she kills Robert Baratheon only to plunge the entire realm into civil war, she uses the High Sparrow to take Margaery and Loras down a

Yeah, but having taken out Walder and his closest sons, there's an enormous power vacuum at the Twins (not to mention the Reach) that needs to be resolved before they can be any help to anyone. Also, for what it's worth, I'm not entirely convinced the Blackfish is dead.

Some observations:

…and that's the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Rag!

Jared has learned the single most important lesson in Silicon Valley that success depends on being seen as successful. Business in the 21st century is largely governed by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

Lianna Mormont did the Medieval equivalent of investing in Apple in 1979. She'll probably be able to upgrade to Dolphin Island in the near future.

As far as Dorne goes, I'm guessing we'll see Varys return with a Sand Snake or two in tow in the season finale.

In retrospect, it was probably a good thing Sansa didn't tell Jon she had sent for the Knights of the Vale. He probably would have spilled the beans to Ramsay or screwed it up somehow. Seriously, as good as he is in single combat, Jon may be the stupidest military commander in Westeros. Not only did he fall into an

I'm confused by the over/under. If it's "total" deaths, including some screaming wildling extras running into the Bolton phalanx, then it's got to be over. But if it's just for characters with names, then I'm taking the under.

Good memory!

Enemy of my enemy.

What's with that lame end-credit music? It sounded like the end of Kevin Sorbo's Adventures of Hercules or some shit.