Mark Russell

Sucks that we never got to hear the end of the joke about the ass and the honeycomb.

If the Starks retake Winterfell, it sets up Season 7 as a battle royale for Westeros between two alliances: the Lannisters, Freys, and Tyrells one one side vs the Starks, Greyjoys (and possibly the junta in Dorne) who will join forces with Danaerys Targaryen.

We could potentially have a Thanksgiving Special episode where Bran, Rickon, Arya, Sansa, Uncle Benjen, and Jon Snow are all reunited at Winterfell. Probably not, but that's the direction they're all headed.

Monica's critique that their platform feels too engineered is almost certainly on-point, as everybody giving them rave reviews on their beta was either themselves a fellow engineer, or fucking Jared.

It would have been better if Lady Olenna had uncrinkled the secret note Margaery passed to her to find a drawing of a cock and balls.

What? Who doesn't know who Ian McShane is?

I have a feeling that when this whole war against the dead sorts itself out, Ser Davos is going to open a car dealership. He can sell anyone on anything.

Yeah, pretty much anyone who displeases Margaery moves up the dead pool odds book, I think.

Offering to trade Edmuir's life for the castle seems like a poorly thought out tactic. Aside from the fact that there's no reason to believe they wouldn't kill Edmuir and the Blackfish once he surrendered the castle (the Freys' credibility probably took a hit after the Red Wedding), if the Blackfish is a man motivated

A few things:

What? No. I'm saying the opposite.

Jaime is going to find himself sandwiched between the Blackfish and Brienne of Tarth. Plus, the idea of him being killed by his own sword "Oathkeeper" while Brienne is in the act of fulfilling an oath is just too rich to pass up. Don't know if it'll be this week, but I'd def take Jaime Lannister at 25:1 odds.

I don't think GoT is about medieval society so much as it uses it as a jumping off point to examine how power warps human desire and how our abilities find productive or destructive expression as a result of the world in which we exercise them.

I don't know about this episode, but there is no way Ramsay Bolton lives out the season.

I don't believe for a minute that story has been spiked for good and all.

The real magic is how Bran still fits on that sled despite being two feet taller than when he left Winterfell.

I was hoping for a scene where Meera hops on board Bran's cripple-sled and they go shushing Warren Miller-style down the side of the mountain and away from the white walkers.

I think so. I don't see how he'd get out of that alive.

When you break the bladder-seal on regicide, it's kind of hard to hold your crown from people who might want to ascend to the throne the same way.

I like the speculation that Euron had something to do with the destruction of the fleet at Mereen, but why would Varys be in on it?