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    Huh. I had heard the song on the radio growing up so just assumed the song came before the movie, but two seconds of internet research suggests otherwise. The more you know, I guess

    The fact that you forgot Nine to Five tells me you watch all the wrong movies


    I think trans is used instead of transgender by people who want to refer to people who may identify as transgender or transsexual or something more inclusive for those outside of the gender binary.

    I'd say Amy from faking it isn't really a stereotype of anything. I'd say that, but then I'd be admitting having watched an mtv show

    Zachary Quinto, because I've been told by a few perks that I kind of look like him as the serial killer in American horror story. So he could obviously catch my essence as well.

    My God, does Anderson Cooper age? Or is he merely a beautiful sex robot placed on this earth to joke awkwardly with Kathy Griffin? Either way I have daddy issues.
    Great article, too.

    Not "no blackface," just "less blackface." I like the cut of your jib, as I'm also a moderate racist.

    How do we know that - get this - you aren't John Teti?

    I actually just kind of recently (within the last six months) came out. I kind of varied my style for each person, depending on what they'd think and how close they were to me. For my sister and parents, who are religious and conservative, it was a whole sit down and talk about your gayness thing. With my best

    Who are you wearing?

    Did Meryl Streep actually go to this to get her award? I mean, she has plenty of awards. Surely she didn't actually go to this, right? Right? Right?

    Cirque du Solei doing a production of Pippin in the vein of the revival would be incredible. Can we have that next?

    I understand that it's ridiculous to ban clapping and all, but jazz hands just sounds so… fabulous. I really can't object to that.

    You tellin' me this guy gets off on bein' beaten up?

    Oh, Glee. For some reason, I really want the next episode to get a community "A" grade, which I hope will show the writers how much I disapprove of the job they're doing. Does that make sense? Neither did this episode. Your move, Ryan Murphy.

    Yeah, I just moved here from NM a few months ago to start college, and it's been… interesting.

    Because your IB education didn't prepare you for hard, patriotic facts. I get it.

    I work(ed) for my first election this cycle (I know, liberal college freshman, whatever) in Arizona. Not only did we elect Cold Stone Creamery, anti Common Core, anti education funding (despite our incredibly low standings in national polls) Doug Ducey, we elected Diane Douglas.

    I don't know why Erik Adams didn't like the show. The first two or three episodes might have been a little slow, sure, but this has to be one of my favorite comedy shows of the year.