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    This has nothing to do with Survivor: Gen-x vs. Millennials, which, despite the horrible name, turned out to be a pretty good season. I'm disappointed, random internet writer.

    Yeah, she hasn't been accused of nearly enough wife-beating to be qualified for his cabinet.

    Maybe John Dos Passos? He was a pretty die-hard anti-communist who had lukewarm support for McCarthy.

    I wasn't even considering the "movie teaches great morality lesson about the dangers of pre-marital sex", because of course that's ridiculous. But Hollywood does have a long history of not taking women's decisions seriously, especially when they include sex and sexuality.

    It's not that the premise itself is inherently regressive, but there are sure a lot of ways it could become regressive real quick, because things with this type of premise tend to end up projecting the message that a woman's sexuality is not hers to control, but should rather be left to the authority figures in her

    I love this show. Yeah, I can see where you and the reviewer think that this is a natural end to it, but I love/hate the characters so much that I just want to see how they react to all of this. Elliott's natural impulse is deception, but that's not Dory (or is it?) or Drew. I feel like it's be difficult to write, but

    Re: the bridesmaids gifts, I actually kind of loved the flashback to Chantal's sister buying the hour gifts, Brick asking if she's an artist, and the sister kind of running away saying no. I had thought brick had sensed something about Dory or something, but no - she asked everyone who bought from her stupid store on

    "that show is so good"

    How is what I said bullshit? Did she not actually have those plans and I was just making them up? Because I promise you I did not make that up. Or did you just read an opinion that you disagreed with and immediately called bullshit? Clinton spoke at many colleges/universities, including mine. She had online ads that

    Clinton tried, but it seemed that trying just made young people hate her more - apparently earnestly appealing to you for your vote is now lying at any cost or something, so painfully uncool. Clinton came up with reasonable plans that had a good chance of being implemented to solve some of the most pressing issues to

    Well considering as how Trump supporters include David Duke, the KKK, and any number of other white supremacy groups, I'm pretty sure his supporters have actually said far worse things. About women, LGBT, African Americans, Hispanics, and especially, especially Muslims. So I call bullshit.

    I've only read Maile Meloy's Both Ways Is the Only Way I Want It, but it was really good. And I think the story that KStew's starring in was actually from Both Ways, and was my favorite story from the collection. Plus, come on - Stewart and Laura Dern. What I'm saying is I'm super excited about this, and it should be

    How the fuck are you supposed to flirt over Snapchat? This guy I'm sort-of seeing prefers it to text, but I don't get why it's better than texting/calling. His mostly seem to be selfies/pictures of landscape with the text he would've sent over text messaging, but are you supposed to try to use the pictures more

    Whether it's good or not just depends on whether you're a racist/anti-Semite. So I suppose a fair amount of people just wouldn't care.

    Honestly, it, the original Producers and the Jerk are my top three movies of all time

    Do you listen to Mitski? I don't think you've talked about your music tastes here, but I think you might find her… interesting?

    That pan from when Geils is talking about how at least an old man died with dignity to Scholls with the stupid pump reanimating the body was fucking gold. As was Mary McCormack as a lamp.

    It probably just needs some more Detective Hoffman.

    I can't be the only one who, until like 2 days ago though Tegan and Sara were romantic partners, not two sisters who both happened to be gay.

    But Jake Gittes contrasted this with The Nice Guys, which stars Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling, who, are also pretty famous. It's not like (Oscar winner) Crowe and (Oscar nominee) Gosling are unknowns.