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    I was hoping that this would be good, but it's starting to seem like Will Arnett has just ben in too many good things for everythign that he's worked in to be amazing. I mean, he's been in Arrested Development, 30 Rock, Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation, and now The Lego Movie. I guess some sort of karma is making up

    Hmmm. This seems to disprove my theory that Todd VanDerWerff is not an actual person, but rather, together with Brandon Nowalk, a way for Ryan Murphy to be critical of his own work without publicly self-flagellating. (TVDW's move to Vox would simply be removing an alias in preparation for decreasing output due to the

    Jeopardy has gotten some really weird answers over the years, so I was surprised to see Alex kind of make fun of Guy for guessing Ireland in that one clue, even though it was obviously off. But mostly, I was disappointed that, if Alex was going to chide him for missing the clue in such a fashion, he wouldn't say,

    As my cousin said when they saw, and later did a parody video of, Ghost Hunters - "you know that it's a stupid organization when it has 'the' in the acronym."

    I can't believe that I missed LOTF. I fucking love that book, it's a social contract government in a nutshell.

    Something I just noticed today and yesterday - how long has Julia been changing the way that she writes her name for the little podium screen thing? Did she just start doing that when she was winning a lot, or has she been doing it all along and I'm just oblivious?

    Real joke is on America - I killed Warren G. Harding.

    Can we just review episodes of Review already? I can't figure out if I like an episode of television or not until an arbitrary letter grade is assigned to it.

    An issue with Liz Lemon? I'm sorry, it seems as though you're implying that 30 Rock had issues.

    While watching the news tonight, I saw a promo for American Dream Builders in which a narrator intones that they may have too much house to build. As in, 2 House 2 Handle?

    I can't believe that no AV club staff brought up Lucille Bluth. Come on, people, I recognize that she spends most of her days eighty percent full of alcohol, but I would think that when she gets to one hundred percent, she's even more entertaining.

    No, you've got it all wrong. She also felt annoyance and occasional icky repulsion. Anger and suffocation along might be bad, but when mixed with annoyance and occasional (the exact right amount is hard to pinpoint, should be greater than "only a small amount" but less than "constant") icky repulsion, you've got the

    "Songs about sensitive topics get too much leeway as far as how shitty they’re allowed to be."
    Yeah, take that "We Shall Overcome," Marah Eakin hates you.

    Well, I don't know about your community, but my local Church of Wes Anderson has got us seeing that movie twelve to fifteen times, at least.

    Uhh, hello? Mark Brendanawicz from Parks and Recreation !

    Mine introduced me to Hannah Montana and Selena Gomez. Gee, thanks, big sis.

    I think more so than any other episode in the show, this
    episode showed a main tenet in it – everybody, not just Leslie, has something
    that they’re passionate about. Andy and his insistence that Ron stay in music
    and Tom in his thought that building something is more important than (or
    then?) having something displayed

    Where's 30 Rock? Sure, it's been off the air for more than a year, but…. please?

    "President Obama and the Ghostbusters"
    New band name. Call it.

    The Olympics have already taken away Bob Costas' sight, the billionaire Sochi developers' pride, and the hopes and dreams of so many athletes. But must you take away Parks and Recreation for the second Thursday IN A ROW??? Oh cruel IOC and NBC, how could you????