
Just because you don't enjoy Beatles covers doesn't mean there's never been a decent one.

They're literally talking to a producer behind the camera. She never had anything compelling to say.

I understand that it's hard to translate social game into footage, but confessionals are usually a good opportunity for us to see a person's personality and sense of humor (and sometimes anger). But Michele's confessionals are completely wooden and boring. If that's how she talks to people, I'm stumped on what the

That's why it would honestly be better if the jury were sequestered - I think they feed each others egos at Ponderosa and reinforce the victim complex some people leave the game with rather than giving them time to come to terms with how things went and recognize the good strategy moves by whoever is left in the game.

Yeah, the body language was definitely troubling. But I think he knew she had a lot of votes coming her way already and was frustrated that she would be the winner.

I think she came off as passionate. But passionate and assertive women are often seen as angry so…

"Jesus Christ, you know? You do your best, you try to serve the people, and they just fuck you over. You know why? Because they're ignorant, and dumb as shit, and that's democracy."

And this: "Jesus Christ, you know? You do your best, you try to serve the people, and they just fuck you over. You know why? Because they're ignorant, and dumb as shit, and that's democracy." Too real

I was so hoping that they would drop just a couple lines of "West Covina" in there to mirror the first episode.

I politely request that AVC continue using "Jesus" in its headlines as a term expressing exasperation because this headline is damn funny.

I love how the video immediately loses a bunch of momentum when they play a clip of Ben Carson.

I don't know if this is the right show for you…

No - it's already been too long.

Someone should remind Jason that just because he's brawn doesn't make him the high school jock. He was more likely an ICP kid

While I was really interested to learn everything that happened with Charlie, this episode really gave us more insight into Marnie's family. I think we all knew her mom is a bit much, but you can tell that Marnie really feels disconnected from her. It was heartbreaking to hear her say that Charlie was her family. It

Okay - please do not compare HIV to drowning and murder. Plenty of HIV+ people live completely normal lives. It is a manageable condition.

Hayden also did this in BvW

Maybe they're craving mayo at this point.

And they need to tap her to help write an opening number

You don't seem to take issue with any of the other actors who appear naked on the show (there were three others in this episode alone).