
Favorite part of the episode - I lost it when they showed it in last week's preview and purposely avoided seeing that preview again because I wanted to see it in the context of the episode.

Also millenial trash who watched the original trilogy on VHS, but I remember part of the appeal of Boba Fett being his awesome ship.

Wow, how did I completely miss this? When did we find out about that?

Seeing that this has 666 comments is unsettling given the material of the episode. I just saved the rest of you from the same fate.

I agree - there's some mysterious force in this show that makes some of the performances noticeably off. Maybe just a lack of rehearsal? Idk…

Honestly, I can't imagine anyone younger than 14 being into this album…

Possibly! They hadn't seen the Millenials vs. Gen X season when this was filmed, so maybe she really was confused about how it worked.

I did love that little bit of acting Sarah did after the vote, where she looks around as if she was confused by the outcome. Nice little moment (though I'm sure it was confusing to her alliance members).

True - but they did film all of the show in Baltimore up until last season. Not sure if they took their sets with them or built new ones

I love June - it was almost jarring to see her in such a small role though since I'm so used to her on Grace and Frankie now.

Oh yeah, I agree it wouldn't have been appropriate for this week. But generally, I like the ones that require hard choices.

I generally like the endurance challenges, but I prefer the ones that have temptations involved - like they can step off if they'd rather eat a piece of pizza. It's great because it's very revealing of how comfortable each person feels in the game.

He also hasn't had a chance to watch his season at the time of this game, which can usually be helpful in adjusting how you come across to others. Same goes for Michaela.

I love that we got that credit scene from the movie which shows us how Adam and Hannah met for the first time.

As much as I hate Desi, I do laugh at his signature move of folding into himself and muttering unintelligibly (which once elicited concern from Marnie but now just gets an eye roll since it happens so often).

I'm pretty sure it was:

At the very beginning of last episode, you can see that Hannah's piece for Modern Love also mentions Adam's oral herpes.

There are a lot of hand injuries on this show - we also had Caroline smash a glass with her hand and Hannah burnt her hand on the frying pan.

Interesting. Pregnancy?

I think the show actually has implied that Hannah is a gifted writer. It didn't seem out of place at all that she would have been published in Modern Love