
Jessa mentioned that her sister's father is Scottish

I also think this connected to her comment from earlier this season saying "What I lack in skill, I make up for in extreme curiosity." So i think the was just trying to walk the walk and be edgy in a way that "Nice Guy Fran" would never understand.

I think there was a pretty direct explanation of why the administration didn't keep Congress informed - it's because the terms of the negotiation required that it occur completely in secret. So the Administration didn't tell Congress because they thought a rankled Congressional member would leak the info, thus ending

It would have been nice to hear more about what put one episode in the A grade and the other in the B grade. These "reviews" are pretty scant.

Congrats on being responsible for who dies and who lives.

I think I am possibly a black woman, though it is unclear. I'll give it a try.

Man, I found that Hannah/Jessa scene to be so sad. As the audience, we know exactly the underlying reason for Jessa's aggression, but Hannah is just getting torn apart. It felt totally justified when she doubled back to tell Jessa off again, but it kinda crushed me.

Also at that party when Hannah says she sees Adam and Jessa's response, "He does sort of look like the original man."

I thought the credit card thing may have been a call-back to the credit card incident last season at the bookstore. I think Hannah no longer trusts people when they say they can't take her card.

I think we may see something come out of this - I think they may ask Marnie to do a solo recording of a song or something (since she did that showcase at the end of last season) and she may have success but then realizes she chained herself to this awful guy. I don't think it's a complete dead end.

I honestly love seeing Claire walk all over Stamper - it's so frustrating to see him with power and she's the one person (besides Frank) that can shut him down.

Ugh I feel the same - I actually think Hamilton is really good. But when I see nerdy white theater kids singing along to rap, I feel particularly exasperated.

What they need to do is a mixer challenge like they did in Amazon (I'm not sure if it shows up in other seasons). That challenge is so fun because it gives each tribe a quick look into who the other people in the game are and was usually filled with little character moments.

I hope that those two are being set up for a big downfall. The other issue with that type of behavior is that seasons with small tribes tend to get shuffled pretty early in the season - even if they didn't like Alecia, they should have treated her well in case the tribes changed and they would need her as an ally in

Well there's also something tremendously grating about a bunch of white theater nerd kids singing along to hip-hop or rap songs (not that your friend group is solely comprised by this demo, but it's representative of those I know who won't shut up about Hamilton). Especially when they try to use a particular

I like it more when people still call him Obola, a friendly reminder of when everyone thought these United States would be ravaged by ebola.

Who needs fact when you can dream up little narratives like this one to justify your dislike for someone you don't know

To answer the question about why the SOTU is after the New Hampshire primary - that's because sometimes it is. The primary was at the beginning of January in 2008 and 2012.

fyi she didn't write this episode

Did you know that it's possible to not watch things that you don't want to watch?