
I believe so

I think it's also just about how much the world has changed (in some areas). And saying that even for someone like Ray, who is only 10 years older than the rest of the characters, he might have less experience with something like gender-fluidity and how to talk about it the "right" way. So it's making fun in some

My fav.

Is it her…or the material? Hard to know with this show.

Oh man - so painful. Just all the weird laugh lines. And awkward moments. Like when Jesse's sons said they went to school to surf and then jump into a painfully long pantomime of surfing, and then stop and walk further into the room as if that's a natural thing for humans to do.

When the guys went to the tree for the key, I wanted her to grab the box and go smash it on the rocks and take the idol.

Agreed - I felt like it was a major slog. To the point where I started watching just one or two episodes each month. There are a few good episodes in there and the final 2-3 episodes of the season were great.

I wanted to hear the rest of his song…

It's interesting because they've almost set him up as a deus ex machina character for Rebecca. I mean, he obviously obtained information to try and help her in this trial, but I wouldn't be shocked if he showed up 2 seasons from now to offer Rebecca a way out of some random situation, simply because he cares about her

I think they had pretty clearly filmed this (or wrote it) as a season 1 finale episode, so that final moment was probably interrupted to set up the conflict for season 2. But then CW upped the episode order to 18.

Seriously? Having her sister play a bit role in the fifth season of her show is finding a way to wedge in nepotism? Poor you, bullied by Lena Dunham's aggressive nepotism.

Yeah, I was surprised they didn't mention this in the review. I definitely thought that's where it was going since she took a pregnancy test in the montage of the first episode.

I was also dying at Abbi's face when Ilana was trying to impersonate her in front of the guy. She's so disappointed that Ilana does such a piss-poor imitation.

They cast the season before they select a theme. So that's why the Brawn team doesn't look like they were recruited for their brawn - because they weren't! Why do they insist on doing a themed season? Good question.

All good points!

To be fair, I'm pretty sure someone who works on the show mentioned (in a Reddit AMA) that the drinking water they have for them at camp doesn't actually need to be boiled for drinking. It's probably a safe bet to boil it, but not necessary.

I know it's not popular to say this, but I don't really get the insane obsession with Mad Max. I honestly really enjoyed the film, but felt almost no connection to the characters and the story was a little thin. That said, it's a pleasure to watch - the visual elements were fantastic.

I was convinced that Trent was going to turn out to be an ex-boyfriend of White Josh.

This makes zero sense. How does one define nudity as "confrontational?" If Ilana was wearing a see-through mesh top throughout an episode it would be hee-larious and so quirky. But when Lena does it, it's confrontational (even though the entire episode is about Hannah being high on drugs).

Right? Nobody is saying that Master of None is just an imitation of Girls. They're both shows with a similar tone focused on young people with comfortable lives in NYC navigating personal relationships. Instead, people compare Girls to Broad City, which are so different from one another.