
I find Neal to be aggressively boring.

Remember when Lena Dunham hooked up with Patrick Wilson on Girls and everyone was convinced that there is NO WAY that could ever happen in real life, so it must have been a dream episode?

I felt that way about a handful of the performances in this, where I found the entrance of a new character unsettling and kind of off, but eventually I fell into the groove with them and the cast was clicking for me as an ensemble. I think they all may be in on a sort of "Hollywood story through a Hollywood lens" type

Does Game of Thrones not qualify?

Beyonce would like a word with you…

Vella Lovell also tweeted "It's gay time on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" sooo

That's the weird thing - there were like 5 early singles that are all on the album and they are great, plus a couple more good songs we haven't heard before. So like 8 of the 11 songs are pretty good, but sometimes they don't click as an album.

Eh…I don't know if that's a fair representation. They did spend 4 episodes with her in Iowa and yes, she did leave, but she came back and everything was definitely not the same. You may have not liked the storylines they went with, but your version of events is off.

I think I enjoyed 'The Hateful Eight' more than most, but was leaving Tarantino out of the Best Original Screenplay category a snub? I feel like he's usually a lock for that.

Good point - I think one of the few we can definitely point to is Mad Men - which didn't just reverberate in the entertainment world, where a ton of really good scripted dramas started showing up on cable networks. But it also had a huge influence on fashion - that show, along with some of the music at the time (Amy

Is that something we can really measure yet? I think it will take some time to look at it in the context of what came before/after it in order to pick up any influence. I'm not arguing it one way or the other, but I think it may just be a little hard to gauge that right now.

Loved that - and the music building underneath it was fantastic. And then…silence.

While I'm slightly ashamed to bring this up, he was downright charming in About Time. It's hard for me to not be on his side after that movie.

You'll be lost. Watch the first season

Someone went back last week to listen to the cricket in the first episode and apparently it's not the same as the ringtone.

Man, Tommy's allegiance changes constantly. He flips more than a cirque du soleil performer.

She was on Broadway prior to OITNB (I actually saw her in a production of Godspell about a year and a half before OITNB premiered)

Apparently they were doing it all on one stage, so part of the reason we don't get many wide shots is because during scenes, they are simultaneously moving and positioning a new set piece just off camera. I'm guessing this was due in part to budget cuts and partly just the nature of the story construction of The Wiz.

Many of the other players have noted that she is a very hard worker around camp, pretty loyal in votes, she organized one vote-out (Monica), and has a compelling life story that would make her probably the most in-need as far as the million-dollar prize.

Her mother doesn't speak very much English at all, so it's easier to use Portuguese. They explained this more during Abi's family visit during her first season.