
Apparently Keith and Joe had a very close friendship - so he voted for Tasha as a throw-away vote. You can argue that it's not a great move, but it's been done before (it even happened earlier this season, if I remember correctly).

I thought this was a bit on the nose. It doesn't really add anything…

No, the reviewer is talking about "in-universe" time, not running time. I think he just wasn't counting the first episode (or forgot about it)

To be fair, I don't think a bunch of people are going out of their way to praise the album title. They're kind of handling it with a *shrug*

Yeah, I laughed out loud when it jumped from the fight with the groom to Matt sitting with his hands tied because the way they had Mary positioned made it look like she had so much attitude. Like, 'I'm so tired of your shit.'

To be fair, she didn't exactly say, "Sure, I'd love to take care of Mary!" I think she knows that she goes through a lot of shit for her brother.

Same here - I'm actually excited to come back for next week's episode. I also noticed that this is one of the first times AHS has really used kids in its narrative, right? I mean, they have used babies numerous times, but rarely young actors (other than the twins from murder house).

Such a weird meta moment since Bianca Jagger did it in the 70s…which Gaga then imitated at the 2013 American Music Awards…and then Gaga did it on the show.

Maybe Miracle was just better at marketing.

I think the sort of cheesy, advertisement atmosphere works well. While I thought last season's opening was okay, it was very doom and gloom, and it did fit the season well.

No - the moment described at the beginning happened in season 4. But the article states there have been 10 seasons.

He was actually great as the trainer, Ray, in Veep. He plays a politically illiterate love interest and it's fantastic.

Slate did a really helpful write-up on the plot up to this point - it definitely cleared some stuff up for me.

You're right, the plot is unimportant. Just a small detail.

Thanks for the spoiler.

I'm surprised there was no mention of the voice memos throughout the episode - reminded me of the whole Siri shtick that they used to do with Mike. Funny to see everyone's exasperation with the memos while also knowing they have to do what Selina says.

I've sort of taken the same approach to this season now. And while taking a goat is normal gameplay, it's a little frustrating that Will and Dan are going to make so much money off of this season just because they're getting dragged to the end.

I actually don't think they're allowed to. I'm pretty sure the rule is that they aren't supposed to say anything after getting voted out. Obviously, this rule is broken all the time with small comments that they make as their torch is about to be snuffed, but I think the producers are probably very strict about them

Well, he wasn't admitting to sabotage. He said that he had been fattening the calf (Jonah) so they could sacrifice him should something come up that would require firing a staff member.

I know everyone says the challenges are determined ahead of time, but there's no way the producers didn't scramble after Shirin was voted off to put together challenges that Mike had a good chance of winning.