
*posts Ferengi meme*

My friend believes this. He is a highly intelligent, creative, talented, easy going, extraordinarily kind and funny person I love dearly. Arguing with him doesnt do any good, but his beliefs dont do any harm, so who cares? Is it really any whackier than any religious beliefs like virgin birth?

Frank's usual dance is "the move" that he says got him his wife as per "Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom" & again in "The Gang Misses the Boat", but that isnt what he did in that scene.

Dont call her "Black Dee" it's just Dee, or you might not be able to leap.

I usually hate poop jokes but that one was the shit.

yea criticizing old white men can indeed be dangerous

I really enjoyed the way this piece was written

Because he is a false depiction of a killer cop. Its just not believable that it boils down to these guys being nice bumbling fools. It didnt show how he became a person who didnt see a black woman as human enough to deserve to live. Esp when every other BLM murder has been such deliberate acts, shooting and denying

I dont think you are being open minded and truly listening, because the author nor anyone else does not need to "pause" in our "righteous crusade" against cops killing people with impunity, and the show certainly wont cause such a pause. The pause here, as is clear, is where the "art" is poor, and fails- bad writing,

well said.

So many "but in the boooook!" thoughts, so little patience for typing with my thumbs…

I'm not the hero the internet deserves, just that one that is needed right now. & if you think someone simply telling you to look something up, and then employing a bit of sarcasm and pointing out that the man you are defending raped his kid, is proof of insanity. I guess I'm crazy, and as such, surely unworthy of

lol spelling errors and punctuation do not have any bearing on whether a person is correct, logical, presenting correct evidence, etc. In my case it is diffuclt to see on a cracked screen and difficult to type without a keyboard. If YOU wish to be perceived as calm and logical, try to use logical arguments rather than

Im perfectly calm, thanks, defending a rape victims doesnt make me hysterical, in fsct Im the one applying reason & evidence here, you are the one who is arguing from emotion and ignorance to defend a batshit belief, but nice try. I literally already said that no one is tossing out the rule of law. The man paid a

No idea what that means, raping kids does traumatize them tho.

how foolish of me to assume that you would take the comtext that he raped his seven year old into considerstion. I apologize profusely, do carry on defending the rapist.

the guy did rape his other daughter. Look it up.

Feel free to go ahead and do your own research. You shouldnt even be commenting before having researched this, raping children is a serious problem.

no one has thrown off the rule of law just because we dont immediately accuse a girl of lying about how her dad raped her. We dont have evidence she is lying, in fact what evidence we do have shows she is telling the truth. Like most rapists, he got away with it. That doesnt mean we have to attack the victim. The fact

I have been rewatching BB between episodes of BCS. I hate waiting but it also makes it more of a treat! -& more to ponder.
I started watching BB specifically because of Odenkirk so Im stoked BCS is so damn good!