A Johnson

Do the individual story lines actually have to connect to one another in order for the show to be successful? There are plenty of examples of filmmakers using ensemble casts and disjointed stories in a compelling way. It seems pretty clear to me that the show is taking on the idea of how people take advantage of the

Kimara, as a social worker, has certain ethical obligations to Shae. I'm not sure she could take the baby even if she wanted to, but not sure about that. Kimara also seems to be barely hanging on herself. Having watched the prior two seasons, it feels more likely to me that Kimara will do something self-serving,

EXACTLY. There are a lot of ways to adapt legacy material that's filled with dated ideas. The problem here is that Marvel didn't really seem to explore any of them.

In the public school, it wasn't a sexual assault, just a fight between two kids - one black and one Hispanic. I thought a big part of the problem there was that even the show treated the public school story as a an afterthought. I felt like they could have done a lot more to relate the two, to draw comparisons

I haven't seen the premier, and since I enjoyed the hell out of Seasons 1 and 2 even though sometimes it was more ambitious than successful, I'm sure I'll love Season 3, but . . . "Coy Henson?" Really? It should be a rule of thumb for writers that if the name you're considering for a character was used on Dukes of

I haven't watched the premier yet, but I agree about the school principal storyline in Season 2. It never had the same immediacy as the private school story. And while there were some similarities in the way both principals were undone by bad choices and politics, their stories never linked up. They could have

Yes, this seems to be missing from all the recaps, as though Katsuji forced the exec chef job on John. Katsuji was an ass a LOT, but John should have gone home. He made an inedible dish and sucked at the expediting job he took from the guy who actually won Restaurant Wars.

This pic is so awesome. That boy loves life.

Never heard of Jurassic Bark until reading the comments. Well, I just read the episode summary on Wikipedia. Holy shit. Now I'm totally tearing up at work.

Really? I feel like it absolutely fits her. She manipulates situations to achieve favorable public perception - she got Anne to write down a statement that made her look clueless about the assault, she suggested to the reporter when she first visited Leslie that Taylor had a problem with binge drinking, she sent Dan

i know it's a TV show and all, but I always found the "Wes was a jerk anyway" sentiment troubling.

I rewatched ep 8, and the scene where she admits to dealing and Dan confronts her about it and smashes her phone. Tim Hutton must have felt like he was yelling at a blank spot and they were going to CGI someone in later. All I could think was the Billy Idol song "Dancing with Myself."

But the problem is, the crime of rape depends on consent and consent can very much be up to an individual's perception. When there are only two people involved and no witnesses, and both people have a different perception, it's very possible that we will never have an empirical truth. Only a best guess based on all

The Coach never got fired at Stubenville. I think Dan possibly resigned, but I also think there are ways he could skate by as Leslie almost did. I think that all the public knows was that there were parties and there was an alleged rape, but charges were never filed, and Taylor was discredited. The stuff about the

The shredder lets out into a bag the size of an office trash can - small enough that he could have grabbed it and slipped past Grace with it,

The Hutton part was tongue in cheek.

And his attorney said he could serve only 5 years. His mother will be a stabilizing force when he gets out, and if she wins that suit against Leland, where Dan will be testifying that Leslie leaked Anne's medical records, she may also have the financial resources to help him get into a college.

It did tie back but not particularly well in my mind, and it was a point that could have been made with an offscreen hacker or with a Sebastian who didn't have two kids and a weird desire for public affirmation. It was too much to try to introduce a hacker with all that going on in his life.

This of course IS the correct answer…..but I still believe Leslie did it for all the detective-y reasons I've already stated. ;)

Oh I don't mean to suggest they were extraneous in Season 1. I felt they were essential in Season 1 but Sebastiand and Chris were an after thought in Season 2.