A Johnson

The double pupil thing looks cool (although has been done before as stated below), and I like the tattoos, but the way the bandages have fallen off *just so* to leave lots of flesh but the private parts perfectly covered is so ridiculous.

I just saw the ratings - over the last two episodes, it's at .1 in the demo and less than 500k viewers in real time. And costs $5 million per episode to make. I think it's going to be a tough sell in a crowded market.

Because if it had been Nicky, it could have been crafted as: a child surrounded by anger and emotional outbursts lashes out angrily, and Gabrielle, who spends more time with him than anyone and sees his turmoil, understood that he was as much a victim as she was. AND the show made of point of Nicky being aggressive

In the cases of foreign worker abuse I've read about, there is zero indication that the employers were serial abusers or violent by nature. The domestic worker is viewed as less human and valuable and that social dynamic makes them an easy outlet for abuse for any reason.

Kimara has sacrificed for people less fortunate her whole professional life. You really judge her more harshly than Jeannette for asking for a few thousand dollars more on a raise, when she is going to continue to work to help other people in her new job?

Well, we could argue about that all day. I'd say that showing the aftermath of abuse, but never once showing the abuse or directly disclosing the abuser's identity was meant to create a mystery around who the abuser was. Especially when you've got two crazy angry people milling around the house and a vulnerable

It's tough for me to single out any one actor since they were all so amazing this season, but I definitely think Timothy Hutton needs more love. So many critics adore Felicity Huffman and Lili Taylor and Regina King and fawn over them (and not undeservedly), he sometimes gets overlooked, but he was crazy good this

Jeez, not exactly a gracious winner are you? ;) Yeah, I got played.

Not sure I buy Clair suddenly finding her conscience. While Lili Taylor definitely imbued her with as much humanity as possible, was Clair really written as having the emotional tools to acknowledge and accept responsibility for her acts? She was next level mental with Gabrielle and just as mean to Nicholas as he

If it does, I think there's a good chance it gets picked up by a cable or subscription provider. One of the producers suggested it would be last season when it wasn't clear if it would be renewed at ABC.

Classic bait and switch.

She's a servant in the household, and we really don't know exactly what his interactions are with her. They've only had 2 scenes together in 4 episodes. It's left intentionally vague. If he is an abuser, he doesn't need to speak her language or interact with her. It would be enough for him to see her as someone

I think that thread pulled a "telephone game" on me - by the time I got to the end, I was misunderstanding the originl point. My bad, totally!

See below - he wouldn't have to be possessed, just psychologically scarred by his BSC parents and/or with developmental difficulties. And a child can be prone to violent outbursts without being a monster 24/7.

He wouldn't have to boil the tea. Gabrielle may have made herself a cup and he poured it on her.

And none of those people had any access to Gabrielle. Clair and Nicholas attended and left. It's not like Clair would have said to Kimara, "hey, here's $5k; btw, did you know I have an abused Haitian nanny at my house?"

Gabrielle is in his house and a servant to him. Abuse is about exercising power over another person. Seems to me that Gabrielle is in a prime position to be the victim of his abuse.

Well, when Nicholas approaches Nicky, and Gabrielle puts herself in between them, that seemed to suggest that he might have been physically abusive in the past. But, then it seems to me that if he is the physical abuser in the house, he would have exploded at that gesture.

Actually, I think the idea of someone traveling to the US with no English and no support system is pretty believable to me. Gabrielle apparently had no support system in Haiti, so maybe she was hoping to find a support system in America and wasn't thinking about the risks.

Well, the situation with the police is just beginning. Once the dust settles, maybe some of those things will occur.