A Johnson

I guess I never expected Eric to admit any fault in the Taylor situation, so it wasn't disappointing to me that it didn't happen here. He hasn't even accepted being gay yet, his family is a mess, and he's been so ashamed for so long of who he is.

I think this kind of disagreement is exactly what the show intended, and I think it's a testament to how well Eric is conceived as a character and how well Joey Pollari plays him that we're having this debate. In my mind, that kid is maybe the MVP of actors in a crazy awesome cast.

Terrible things can happen to people in prison, no doubt. Terrible things can happen to ex-cons. But people also do survive prison and go on to live productive lives, too. There are so many variables to a person's experience in this regard, that it's ridiculous to say Taylor's life is over OR that he will manage to

Might have. But with a jury, there was a risk he could end up serving a longer sentence in prison, too, even after going through the humiliation of a trial. His attorney said he was also likely to get out after 5 years in prison.

His attorney does emphasize that if he takes the plea, he'll serve time in an adult prison - I think we're meant to assume she's hinting at that risk and he's aware of it.

He's a young man, 17. Five years served in prison is not the end of his life.

I didn't find it so odd - they were a close couple at all times with the exception of disagreeing over Leslie and how to best protect Becca. Couples can disagree - even vehemently - and still remain committed to each other. Once the Leyland politics resolved and Becca's fate was out of their hands, their

I don't think the show ever cast Taylor as the most guilty. The point was to showcase the way violent acts can originate from tragic circumstances.

i think that between Taylor's and Eric's stories of that night, we know exactly what happened - Taylor was out of it, and Eric had rough sex with Taylor thinking that's what he wanted. Taylor wasn't capable of consenting and Eric clearly doesn't get that.

Yes, you are totally delusional to sympathize with Leslie. :)

As someone who had attended a few school board and planning meetings for proposed school initiatives, I can tell you the politics and maneuvering can be as bad as anything in the national election right now.

Although I would say there was more finality to last season's story lines. There's no ambiguity about direction for most of the characters. The main ambiguity in both is that the catalyst crime is never definitely solved.

Do you mean whether the rough encounter had anything to do with him not wanting to do anything but kiss with his Hook-ups?

Nope, she leaked them. Tim Hutton said so in a post finale interview. :)

There's no way to fake original medical records. The paper wouldn't match, it would never hold up, and would Leslie Graham really walk away if she had an ounce of a chance to prove it wasn't her?

Leslie ya'll. Come on. Michael tells his wife he wishes he had done it. And after they had been posted, Dan sneaks into her office. Leslie doesn't deny it to the Board lawyer when he gives her the chance. Of course Leslie was trying to manipulate and slither out of it.

Even if you don't assume Eric did or didn't get in the car, he was reconsidering it - something he hadn't been shown as doing yet. It's a baby step but for someone as self destructive as him, just that small amount of awareness is huge.

Yes, you're right - wasn't thinking of them taking the copies that had been posted online, but as you say, those that Dan had were original copies, and certainly it could be proved whether they were in hospital record stock, etc.

I don't agree that no one has changed. I saw positive movement in Terri, Kevin and Eric.

I loved the finale but agree the season wasn't perfect. Like last year, there were some stories that just didn't need to be there, like Sebastian's and, honestly, the Marshall High story. And Becca - Dan's involvement and his wife's issues could have been addressed without a daughter in the house and Taylor could