A Johnson

I loved this episode. It restored my faith in the show that was shaken by eps 8 and 9.

Ah, okay. I'm still not sure that changes my mind though. I feel like it's a stretch that you would offer up damaging evidence on your own child that hasn't been discovered for whatever reason. I also think that If Steph was going to go behind Dan's back, would she really do it by trying to coax or bribe a woman

That is a LOT of speculation. No one has indicated that there was evidence Taylor was on drugs - the attorney didn't mention it, Anne hasn't mentioned it, Taylor's counselor hasn't mentioned it. The only person who has said anything is Becca when she told her parents. We don't have any reason to believe that anyone

I think I heard her say, "Did you know your son was high . . ." or something like that. I don't recall having heard anyone say Taylor was doing drugs, so it's not at all clear that anyone knows.

But why disclose in the first place that Becca was dealing drugs? Anne clearly didn't know that. She didn't know Taylor was on drugs on the day of the shooting and said as much before Steph volunteered, well, he was on drugs and my kid sold them.

Actually, a fair amount of time had passed between him taking the drugs and the shooting, and it's implied that he's in a clearer state of mind. Maybe not totally sober, but not in the middle of some hallucination either.

"I don't think there's anything out of the blue about this. She clearly listened to Dan about how they weren't any better than any other parents and they would protect their child too."

It's definitely only an inference of guilt that can be made as to Kevin, but I don't think it's totally unfair. I'm not sure where I fall on that issue yet, but I can certainly see how the inference could be made.

I remember the ep where he mentioned knowing someone at Leyland, and I was looking forward to finding out who that was. But to my knowledge, we never saw a scene between him and Leslie. (although suppose I could have missed it between all those commercial breaks.)

Terri is actually one of the last parents to say that to her kid - Dan and Curt have already told their kids to talk to them.

Actually, I think Steph has been shown to have very good perspective. She wanted to speak to a lawyer when the drug thing came up, she knew Leslie was manipulating things way before it ever became apparent to Dan.

That could have worked thematically, to bring in the violence without letting the sexual assault get totally swept under the rug, but the show clearly wanted the shooting to take place at Leyland. I suppose they could have worked that in though.

I mentioned the Steph thing below - It absolutely makes no sense for Steph to do that. NONE. There are times when playing the Mom card with another Mom can work. Anyone can see this was NOT one of those times. Especially when Steph has been portrayed as a voice of reason who sees things the way they are - for her

Except that he was team captain, and was it part of the culture that the team took their cues from him? That's certainly what Eric suggested, and also that Kevin knew exactly what he was doing when he complained about Taylor needing a beat-down.

Just by the look of next week's previes, I have a distinct feeling that the season finale is going to be: everything is a clusterfuck. The end. I mean seriously - it looks like Becca's in jail, the whole team is being questioned, Sebastian gets found out. There's no way to resolve any of those new issues.

I am absolutely sure that we are never going to see exactly what happened at the party.

I'm not sure I'd say softer. This is like them engineering Kevin's statement to the police - they're more about damage control for their own kid than any overall fairness or justice for anyone.

Admittedly, I have been paying scant attention to the Marshall HS story, but isn't it shown at the beginning of the season that Chris has a contentious relationship with the board? In that context, it makes sense that they would use this incident to drive him out. They want him out, so they're not interested in the

On the one hand, I admire that the show explores the human side of what leads to violence - both with Eric and with Taylor. But I agree that it completely derails any further exploration of the sexual assault by having the shooting.

I thought the scenes with Dan were very effective - I felt like they crystallized his failings but also showed a little turnabout. This is how it feels when people reject what's important to you. Hurts huh?