A Johnson

I think the point is that in most truly PC narratives, minorities are always portrayed as good people who are oppressed. This show makes all the characters complex and flawed, regardless of race.

Terri doesn't tell Kevin to tell the authorities the truth though does she? She tells him to tell HER the truth. That's a big difference. They are very much like Leslie - trying to get ahead of a bad situation.

Is no one calling out the ridiculous plot contrivance of Steph going to Anne and revealing Becca dealt drugs? Hey, my kid helped put your kid in jail, but can you help me protect mine? WTF??

I thought it was the other guy's ear at first! I guess we should all try the CC button sometimes.

I feel like she's a bit over the top with Leslie. She's very skilled and focused though. Her performance is meticulously crafted even if I think it's a bit too much at times.

I was really impressed with Elvis Nolasco last year, but I have to admit my attention for the other HS storyline is waning.

It was actually a cut on the face with a bottle opener per the folks watching via closed captioning.

Sebastian clearly seems to be a vigilante. He said himself than in another time; he'd be an activist with a sign. And apparently he feels the need to get Anne's permission before doing anything to help her. He wasn't getting anywhere by phone, so he went to her in person.

Well, th fact that Dan's daughter is a drug dealer is probably going to swing the pendulum back in Leslie's favor when it comes out.

I have liked Terri much more than Anne this season for all of the reasons you pointed out above (and it dosn't hurt that Regina King is playing the hell out of the role). But the clueless, self-absorbed white lady thing made me dislike her and - worse - forget her scene after the show was over.

Was I supposed to feel sorry for Terri, because I actually liked her least of all in this episode. It seemed entirely self serving to seek out the former employee and try to be all - sorry I screwed you, it was me, not you. Ugh is right.

I think that moment with Dan and Steph was bringing them into the same universe as every other parent on the show though - their biggest mistakes are in misguided attempts to try to protect them. Anne did it, pushing Taylor in directions that he didn't want to go in to achieve "justice." Michael and Terri have done

I feel bad for the actress. She's young, and she's being skewered online, but she did miss the mark on that confession scene. In general, she's been a little too flat the whole season.

Was on the Facebook page for the show earlier - there is definitely a lot of Anne worship there.

I think the point is not that the two cases are synonymous but that most people never really know the truth about victims of violence in schools or the people who commit violence.

Leslie didn't cover things up in favor of the team, they just happened to be the beneficiaries. She covered it for the school and the public image in general.

Good call - I had forgotten they did that in that movie.

Leslie did what she thought she had to do in the interests of the school, but she basically engineered a cover-up - which very often comes back to bite people in the ass.

Steph is a terrible stoner. What kind of person doesn't realize chunks of their stash is missing?!?

And let's don't forget the no-look shot that was a dagger to his take down of Leslie. ;)