A Johnson

I'm with you guys. She is one of the reasons Taylor is where he is. She has good intentions but she never really listens to what he wants or needs.

I was desperate to jump through the screen and shave that! Or just pull all three hairs out.

Maybe a direct comparison was the point? I have a hard time believing the show's writers didn't know what they were doing by choosing Columbine.

Exactly. the show wasn't endorsing the speech, but of course after someone dies at a school, there are going to be assemblies and counseling, etc etc. And it's interesting to show the divide between how Leyland is grieving and what we, as viewers, know led up to the shooting.

I was skeptical about the clips, but I thought it worked. Sheryl, AJ's mom, DESTROYED me.

I still hope the prestige factor will at least let them go with a pre-announced third and final season. Probably unlikely now. :/

You're not entirely wrong - Michael McDonald, a co-executive producer of the show, is gay. He conceived of and developed the show with Ridley, although he does not actually write and direct any episodes. The show also has gay writers on staff.

I wonder what the show's chances for renewal are now that Paul Lee has resigned at ABC? He was a big champion of the show. The ratings are not great, but they are on par with the ratings that you get from prestige programming shows on cable, and I feel like there is more buzz about the show this year. Last season,

It looked to me like Eric cut his face with the bottle opener. The police might come in, but he can always refuse to say anything. That happens in domestic abuse situations where the victim says it was nothing, or I started it or it was mutual, etc.

Yes and no - plenty of adults with kids engage in recreational drug use without their kids becoming drug dealers. The same way their parents might drink after work without them becoming raging alcoholics or even party kids. With Becca, there's something else missing that allowed her to take that extra step.

I wouldn't say he's a weak link as an actor, just that his character is weaker. He has been defined so far by inactivity whereas theirs have been defined by activity. They have been driving the conflict. I definitely think he's created a lot of nuance, and his argument with Steph had such a naturalness to it -

I think most assume that people won't report illicit hookups and/or gay sexual assault.

She didn't know he had the gun though, so why should she call the police? Taylor seems to come and go at their place as he pleases.

But to the extent he might not have killed Leslie, that was only because the kind words of the secretary had brought him out his haze.

Bad things definitely can and do happen when you arrange meet-ups with strangers online. How many murders have their been in the last few years involving just Craigslist?

But was anyone around to hear those threats? When the camera pulls back, the only two people around are Wes and Taylor and then the doors to the school open and more kids come out. It will be his word alone that Wes was threatening him.

I'm with Officer Meow on this. Smoking weed and listening to R&B are not thw worst things a parent can do.

He's extremely good in this, but there is something particularly special about his OP role.

What would constitute a thoughtful look into the issues?

A chance? Maybe if someone saw Wes threatening Taylor, but it looked like they were alone at that moment. They'll find Taylor's hit list (and it could come out that he was practicing shooting before he went to the school) - that all looks bad. Especially since Taylor is considered by some to have already lied about