whispering eye

"We are running out of french fries and burrito coverings" is guaranteed to put a smile on my face no matter what kind of day I'm having.

I finally listened because people I trust (here and elsewhere) like it so much. Word of mouth works! It took me a few weeks to really get into it. I felt like, I know this is funny, but is this for me? And then last week, something clicked. /coolstoryladybro

I just started listening to HFtMT last week. It's so good! I think I expected more fantasy and less comedy.

I'm glad you're back. I had a shitty few months not too long ago and have been dealing with mental health garbage my whole life. I've never been to the psych ward, thank god, especially since I now live in a country that doesn't get mental health disorders. Hope each day gets a little better. Sorry for the lack of

I like HDTGM, but I felt like the whole episode was:

Is it an Upper Midwest thing? We played cribbage with my grandma growing up (Wisconsin). Love that game. I should bring a board back to China and teach some people here how to play.

My college roommate and I loved My Blue Heaven.

It can be two things!

Loopy Dan was fantastic. "Sir. Sir! This is for your own safety, sir."

Was it good rock and roll, uh, music?

Has anyone heard Rabia Chaudry's podcast about Adnan's case? Is it good? Is it sponsored by Mail…Kimp? http://undisclosed-podcast…. I like Serial fine but I'm not obsessed with it, so I probably won't bother with it, but I was curious what anyone else thinks.

I was obsessed with the Tyco SEC reports when they had to report on Dennis Koslowski, et al and their embezzling activities. Even written in the dry reporting language there were some fascinating bits. Someone like Koening could really tap into the hubris necessary to blatantly steal tons of money like that.

Historically, yeah, the American South is more Irish and Scottish than the North. I just read a book about the Civil War that pointed out that the cultural differences helped lead to the war and continuing tensions.

I saw this over someone's shoulder on a plane back in September. It looked…not good.


I've never heard it called Milwaukee-style pizza, but I grew up in Wisconsin and that was default pizza when I was a kid, so maybe that's the right term. Party cut, of course. So good.

That's just how Stephen Tobolowsky tells a story. I personally love it, but it's not for everyone. In fact, I love it so much I listen to the Tobolowsky Files, so IWTT felt redundant to me. Maybe the idea is to bring new listeners—if you like Tobo, you'll love IWTT.

And Shalom Auslander wrote Hope: A Tragedy, one of the few books that made me snort-laugh out loud.

I'm about halfway through The Things We Carried. Definitely see why it's a classic. If I ever pull the trigger on an Audible subscription, I'll check out the audio version read by Bryan Cranston.

It's the first episode, though. They might—I hope they do—get beyond the backstory in the future. On the other hand, they should have started this at least 3 years ago.