James Hinton

No we're not on board with it. It's just down to the way they've edited the show. Lynch has said they shot the whole show as one and then just assembled the episodes how they saw fit. Sometimes there's going to be issues (Like the way that Janey says that Cooper has been gone all that time, but in the previous episode

No? It's just a retort for Mr C's "Nursery school" comment.

I think it's a victim of editing. Lynch admitted that they shot the whole show and just edited it how they saw fit, so sometimes scenes are victims of that happening.

Oh if you've never seen it you should catch a movie he directed called TRUST with Clive Owen. It's about a family dealing with the fact the daughter met an online predator. It's a really solid movie.

I remember always hating that moment with Phoebe and Ross, where she believes her mother is reincarnated as a cat. They try really hard to make Ross the bad guy and Phoebe oh so quirky and lovable, despite the fact he's completely in the right.

Yeah on rewatch, Schwimmer really carries those later seasons. Sometimes there's real degrees of Dennis Reynolds to him.

Yeah Aniston is really good in this, and it's clear why they'd bring Burrows back since he did great work in the 'dramatic' episodes of CHEERS. Seriously, so many sitcoms could learn the art of staging from him.

It's not the sole reason, but that's about where I checked out of the show. For me it peaked some time before the London episodes and I believe that season saw a turnover in the original writing staff, which might be why it didn't feel the same anymore. And of course there's the usual problems with any long running

They really kind of felt like a more natural fit. I didn't mind Ross and Rachel getting together, but too much of their relationship is fraught with drama rather than, you know, romance.

I think there's an 'acting troupe' feeling to Monty Python though that…I guess kind of makes it understandable? I suppose it also just adds another level of absurdity to the sketches as well, much like them performing all the women's parts.

He did a lot of them around that time. As did Aaron Sorkin. Sometimes it's really obvious: CRIMSON TIDE has the discussion about Silver Surfer for example (All Tarantino) and in THE ROCK, the "prom queen" line is pure Sorkin.

I think the only one was Kelly Clarkson? Who admitted that she refused to work with Dr Luke because of things she had heard, but yeah it's a little odd that more people aren't saying that this has been some bullshit.

And as always, Ben seemingly has a complete inability to read words that are written down for him.

My recommendation to go along with that Exciters record is 'Purple Snow: Forecasting The Minneapolis Sound', it's not the cheapest set to get, but I believe all the streaming services have it. As you can guess, it's a lot of funk and soul tracks that would've influenced Prince, but nearly every one of them is

He half-jokingly made the claim that his pitch was stolen by the Boccoli's, being as he wanted a Bond who was back-to-basics, grounded and closer to the books for his version. Then the next think anyone knows they've announced a Bond that's back-to-basics, grounded and closer to the books.

All this talk of Bond, don't sleep on the UNDISPUTED franchise. The first one is alright, but 2 and particularly 3 are fantastic and feature some of the best action scenes of the last decade.

I think it probably comes from him having a different idea to Bond than what the movies wanted. That and largely just being in shitty movies. I have issues with his performances, but I don't feel it's there in his first two outings which were much more consistent in tone. By the time it gets to some really wacky shit

To be fair though, JFK posits that everyone was involved with JFK's murder.

I think it's dumb as shit, but the same thing happened with MONSTER TRUCKS, including that ridiculous 'thought up by an executives child' story that went around. People acted like it was the end of times or something, when it was just a fairly average family movie.

To be fair, that's only the first scene in the book that actually happens. Every other encounter with Pennywise doesn't really go like that and the kids are largely terrified of him as soon as they see him (But like the encounter with Ben, they can't help themselves either).