James Hinton

It was him yes, but it's not him acting as the piano player.

I hope things turn out alright for Bobby. Dana Ashbrook was great in his scene in the diner. He's quiet and reserved because he knows he has to be careful with what he says to an unruly child, but he wears that pain and frustration across his face.

As someone noted on Twitter, he was only in a scant few scenes in THE SOPRANOS, but it felt like he was a much bigger part of it.

My favourite thing is when someone decides, with authority, why other people have done something. Plenty of critics wrote at the time about the unfair reception the movie got. David Foster Wallace talks about it in his essay on LOST HIGHWAY. Mark Kermode gave it a glowing review at the time as well.

I like those scenes, but I can see why Lynch cut them. Some of that stuff almost make the movie a little too sprawling, whereas Lynch clearly wanted to narrow the focus.

Townshend might be one of the few people where "I was doing it for research" was probably accurate.

The only reason that SPIDER-MAN happened is because Sony are desperate. It's also why they immediately wanted to launch a spin-off despite not learning the last 3 times they tried doing it.

I mean if he's allowed to turn the slo-mo mode on (Which you get after beating the game the first time), that becomes insanely easy.

Well I had an opinion and then you came along and now I've changed my mind.

Yeah it's bad. I mean the stuff with the kids in those stupid sphere things alone is about as dumb as the gymnastics.

I will never not like 1941. It is a mess. Just a glorious stupid and expensive mess. I recognise why I should dislike it, I mean it's a comedy that's not all that funny for a start, but there's also nothing else like it.

No I just don't think that at the time, CRYSTAL SKULL was viewed as being that bad. Hell, I'm sure the scores for PHANTOM MENACE are fairly high as well.

I can't bring myself to dislike TEMPLE OF DOOM. Like it apes those old serials way way way too closely (Damsels in distress, plucky sidekicks, fear of the foreign man) but it does it really well and it seems to have an unrelenting pace.

You know what though? JURASSIC WORLD is way fucking dumber than that movie.

I don't know, there's at least some stuff in CRYSTAL SKULL that's enjoyable. ALWAYS is just a weird, low stakes and largely boring movie (As much as I detest using boring as a criticism, it's applicable for that movie).

I think this is the problem though. He is not on set and performing as a showrunner, he's sat in a room somewhere trying to turn out scripts for them to shoot and having to watch dailies.

That's the thing, quotes taken in isolation make him look insane but reading the whole email, not that I'm excusing what he's saying, at least makes it clear where he's coming from, which is a place of total frustration with a show that he's supposed to be running but cannot control.

I have to imagine that the farm factored into his original S2 plans somewhere, but once AMC both increased his episode order and cut the budget by 25% then all other plans had to go out the window (Like the original S2 opening, which sounded great).

Yeah it still works. There's some references that are book specific but the beats are largely the same.

Weird. I completely forgot that.