James Hinton

I'm inclined to agree. I like the original a lot, but I kind of feel the way people trip over themselves to say "BUT IT HAS SOCIAL COMMENTARY!!!!" reveals a lot about its failings.

Eh the Director's Cut makes the whole thesis a bit clearer, actually for some reason the theatrical lacks a very fundamental scene. I don't think the movie is entirely successful, but I would rather see someone's reach exceed their grasp.

It's one of the best moments in the movie. Chamberlain's quote is the nicest thing anyone has to say about her. And all this was pre-BASIC INSTINCT

Flair is a guy who couldn't not live the lifestyle. He spent money like he was dying tomorrow and that continued well after he stopped wrestling full time. It sucks that he's in debt, but anyone who knows him will say that it's entirely of his own doing.

CHEERS goes some being a Taxi-like, at times genuine character study before Diane leaves for good and then it becomes just a sitcom. However it still becomes a genuinely well written one. It just loses what made the first few seasons great. Thankfully they get it back in time for the final season.

I disagree that HOSTEL is xenophobic. I think both movies very explicitly make Americans out to be the worst, particularly the first movie in which some dudebros treat the world as their playground. They're ignorant to their surroundings and there's the implication that if they weren't who they were then they wouldn't

I think it's just an earnest attempt at drama filtered through this really damaged guy's worldview (And THE DISASTER ARTIST mostly bolsters that idea).

THE NEIGHBOURS is a great counter-argument to anyone that says THE ROOM was intended as a comedy. Granted, it's mainly Tommy who says that after he watched the whole world shit on his movie, but still.

I've seen it like 3 times now. Once you get past the 'funny' parts you notice that 1) The shot/reverse shot/master shot style of filmmaking in the movie is really no worse than countless studio comedies and 2) Behind all the weirdness there's a genuine 'vision' there, mainly about how everyone close to you is destined

300 is literally framed as propaganda. A rallying cry for troops to go into battle.

The movie is explicitly framed as Spartan propaganda. This article cheerfully ignores it, but the movie really makes it clear that the narrator is telling a story in which the Spartans are walking Gods and everyone else are boy fuckers or grotesque caricatures.

I mean, that has to be better than getting screamed at by James Cameron for years.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised. Arnie might be built, but that doesn't really translate to anything if you're talking about a fight.

The only time I see AVATAR mentioned now is when people want to talk about how it left no 'cultural legacy' despite how successful it was. I don't like the movie, but that argument is dumb.

And he's the villain for all of the movies, which kind of seems dramatically unfulfilling to me.

It's interesting looking at King's use of cliches, because in the book Hodges is completely aware of what a caricature he is, he just doesn't really care about it. Given that you're privy to his thought process, it's harder to pull that off on screen than it is in the book.

Yeah I feel Kif might fall apart if he watched an episode of COLUMBO.

Alan Sepinwall explains a bit more in that even without some effects scenes, there were story elements that were so vague and unexplained that Sepinwall polled several critics on a key detail and none of them could agree on it. He actually asked Loeb about it but got an indifferent answer.

The real answer is that they were desperate. IRON FIST was originally set to debut after JESSICA JONES, but they couldn't make it work. It's one of the few times they delayed something. He had 2 months to deliver IRON FIST and because they knew they gave him a bad hand they gave him INHUMANS.

One really undervalued aspect of the show is that so much of it is tinged with this genuinely melancholy. Lynch and Frost never forget that it's 25 years later and that these people are 25 years older. For some of them like Bobby it's a drastic life change, for someone like Ed it's just 25 years of the same shit. Just