James Hinton

It was a thing, what can we say? Denzel Washington was notorious for nixing any love scenes between his characters if it was with a white woman because of the image that would present. It was only relatively recently that he walked that back.

Yeah I mean O'Loughlin is just the boring straight man. Caan had the better story and was by far the more charismatic actor.

I don't know, at the very least Caan had the Ocean's movies behind him. Outside of nerdier circles he was arguably the actor most people probably would've known.

I mean…so? Like I'm not sympathetic towards the guy at all, but it's not the first image or gif that Trump has tweeted so why is this guy the story? It's not like he hand crafted it for Trump and then delivered it personally. He's just some shitty dude in a forum full of shitty dudes who made a shitty thing that the

I said it above, but I really think CNN should've just nixed that part from the article. Like, it doesn't gain anything except looking like CNN are keeping an eye on him in case he fucks up again. Now, some guy and his shitty opinions isn't the story, it's that some guy is seen to be getting vaguely threatened by CNN.

I'm kind of on the fence about it. Not that I think a shitty person deserves sympathy but at the same time I don't think CNN needed to publicly announce that they basically have their eye on the guy either. Like if you want to think that privately then fine alright, but the weird way they seemed to end their piece

Hooray for you being so discerning in your tastes. So what?

He's legitimately good in FURY, and he's about the only good thing in that recent terrible Iraq war movie that came out recently.

What's nuts is that Sony even convinced Raimi to come back, even after the SM3 debacle (Maybe they promised Avi Arad wouldn't be involved). They had a script he really liked and then Sony said oh yeah, here's your release date and we want you to shoot it in 3D. Raimi told them they were being unreasonable and walked.

I think Church's performance is one of the things that movie has going for it and even truncated in an overstuffed movie he's still a more interesting villain than what Marvel puts out.

Avi Arad is just the worst.

He goes on to explain a bit more on the Happy, Sad, Confused podcast about what happened. Essentially Marvel took his script away and made him wait a month while their in-house writers re-wrote it without any input from him or Joe Cornish. In that time he voiced his concerns to some director friends and agreed it

She should team up with Robert Alrdich's family since they really threw that guy under the bus as well.

I thought GET OUT was great right until the third act, where it kind of just peters out. And frankly Peele can't shoot violence very well. I think some of the scenes at the end needed to hit harder than they did.

I don't think there is a twist in SPLIT. There's a reveal, but there's no twist. Everything they say will happen actually comes to happen.

I can't bring myself to dislike White. I think he can be a pretty thoughtful critic, even though any movies that deal with being black or gay will get automatic pannings. I didn't like AMERICAN SNIPER all that much, but I thought his review for it was great.

Yeah like I said, I do completely understand why at least certain aspects of the gay community loudly protested the movie but at the same time it's also clear that they researched a certain subset of the gay community and supposedly it is fairly accurate for the time (Music not withstanding).

I would go to bat for CRUISING as being somewhat unfairly maligned. Yes it wallows in the depravity of various gay fetish scenes of the time, but that's kind of the point of it (And of course I understand the protests against the movie for only depicting a subset of people). I think it has the last genuinely daring

Oh absolutely, it's open to either reading. I just think it's interesting that Sondheim doesn't agree.

COMPANY could be easily read as being about a Gay man coming to terms with that and the fear that he'll never have a 'normal' life, but Sondheim supposedly refuses to see it that way.