James Hinton

Any goodwill from 'Shape Of You' is undone by 'Galway Girl'.

Not really.

Nah, The Hollywood Reporter had a pretty clear rundown of what happened. It was felt that Lord and Miller were not shooting enough footage, that department heads had complained about the time they were taking and that Lawrence Kasdan was unhappy that they were not shooting what he scripted (They were, but they were

Though Enzo has largely become insufferable because of exposure, I do like that it has the babyface in that situation say you know what, I think maybe I did fuck some things up and that's on me so I get why it happened. It's just a nice little character touch.

Miz, for the love of God, please do a Cody Rhodes and hit the Indie scene because fuck he's wasted in WWE. He did great work with Bryan and Cena and now he's back to the 'Get punked by a 'celebrity' on Raw' stint.

I think given who Miller is, it reads worse in print than it was in person. Some of it comes across a lot more tongue-in-cheek along with the seriousness.

I think that's disingenuous and it also ignores that he admits the character had wore thin and that the show was in a rut. I'm sure the bigger reason, and one he touches on, was that working on a show full time and doing movies and stand up was impacting on his personal life.

I think if the show adapted in other ways it could work, but so much of it is the same success/crushing failure cycle that she show seems to be unwilling to break out of.

Oh he's a massive dick, but I think people were quick to write off his comments as 'lol Chevy' and not really thinking that he summed up the flaws of the show pretty well.

I can't help but wonder what would've happened if a woman had thrown some people under the bus like Miller did here. I mean, Katherine Heigl still gets asked about it (And is one of the reasons she's branded 'difficult') after being way more diplomatic in voicing criticisms about the show she was on.

It reminds me of when Chevy Chase had criticisms about COMMUNITY, specifically that he felt it fell into a formula of someone saying something shitty, learning their lesson and then apologising to the group at the end. He was right of course, but people didn't want to hear it because they just wrote him off as a dick.

It does, but it also has an undercurrent of 'This shit isn't really that fun', which is hammered home as well by the final scene of the movie. In short, there's a lot more going on under the surface than about how fun it all looks. Imagine GOODFELLAS but about Wall Street instead.

In her WTF interview, she highlighted the second reason as why. She wanted the women to be more isolated and helpless than they would've already been. I don't think there's anything insidious in her motives, I just don't think it looks very good.

While the story of his height is likely the real one, they would've known Van Damme was not a tall dude well in advance. I can't believe they let it get that far, including getting fitted for a suit and appearing on set, before they finally had a realisation that he was too small.

That's actually the one part I believe. He has always been doing shit like that, and would often do it in front of executives to try and get jobs.

This is interesting as I just came back from the movie. I agree more with the stuff about the Aunt because that opening has so little to do with anything else. I was fairly surprised when Wright got offed, largely because I wondered why you'd get her for a role that has about 5 lines. Clearly we'll see it in a sequel,

Reminder: The final season of SHERLOCK was so bad, that fans of the show were convinced there was actually a secret fourth episode produced that would explain everything that came before.

I mean to be fair, almost everyone that the Winchesters run across at some point ends up dead. I've always thought they were fairly equal opportunities when it comes to offing supporting characters.

He was one of the frontrunners for Captain America. He lacks the earnestness of Evans, but he would've had a great look. I like the guy though and hope he does something bigger soon.

The story I heard is that for the original 9 episodes, Showtime wanted a mostly new cast because it was an easier sell, which is when Lynch walked (It's also when Sheryln Fenn tweeted vaguely about 'Ageism'). Then it came back with the 18 episode deal.