James Hinton

Well if nothing else, we learned that Michael Stipe is a pretty OK dude.

It's a bad argument because JURASSIC WORLD has problems with its other main female character that's why and by contrast Chris Pratt is portrayed as the most awesome man who's right about everything.

I think it's great, and I really like Cruise…but I think he's a little miscast in that one. It needs more of an everyman type of actor.

Eh, given that DUEL is about a meek man terrified by masculinity I don't think it would work as well.

I think telling stories that feature primarily your gender/race is just a storyteller thing in general. I mean in a couple of years is someone going to say "You know what, I went to every Elizabeth Banks movie and she's never had one black man as the lead."

POLTERGEIST is basically his ode to smart and capable and underappreciated women. The mother is absolutely more capable than the father is, who has started to manifest typical 80s Reganism while she is still more freewheeling and left at home to be the 'mother'. She's also the one who handles shit at the end while

Watching the SUPERSONIC documentary I think it's pretty clear they've always been distant. Noel is a fair bit older and seems a lot more of an introvert and Liam is just the opposite of that. I'm sure early on it was all hyped up because it was a bit of fun (And they were always savvier than they let on about playing

I greatly prefer the demo version of that album. It's a little more low-key and, LITTLE JAMES, aside is pretty much all Noel and whoever else he could rope in to play on it. It doesn't salvage the songs that are already bad to start with, but it makes the good ones better.

When they were first on the rise, before their debut album came out, they were interviewed by a journalist with the NME. The interview just descended into them arguing so the journalist packaged it up and sold it as a single called 'Wibbling Rivalry'. It sat just outside the Top 40, but I do wonder what the radio

I think the SUPERSONIC documentary made it clear that despite being brothers, they just about barely got on as it was. At some point I'm sure it's all in good fun, but that can't really last.

I remember getting my parents to rent it and swearing to them that it'll be good (Look at that cast!) but man…even as a kid I was embarrassed.

Yeah, the email itself. It's from before Feig ever signed on for the reboot. I misspoke there, it wasn't GHOSTBUSTERS 3 specifically, it was anything Ghostbusters related (Emails talk about him not even willing to do interviews for the Blu Ray).

Even though Reitman isn't a great director, at least he can frame a scene well and not have it all overlit like a sitcom.

Yeah, not while NOTHING BUT TROUBLE exists.

That wasn't about the reboot though, that was over conversations for GHOSTBUSTERS 3.

I think that Sony grossly overestimated the popular appeal of GHOSTBUSTERS with casual audiences.

I love TRESPASS, but I would also love to know what other scripts Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale just had lying around.

JURASSIC WORLD is oddly ashamed of its own existence. Like, when it's deliberately not invoking the original movie in an overt way it has the main character explain multiple times that the older dinosaurs were better, and these new ones are no good.

They didn't miss it. Spielberg just knew that most people would be wrapped up enough in the scene that they wouldn't notice.

I did hear a theory that the reason Netflix don't release their numbers is because they're not actually that great. I mean ultimately what matters is that they're making money, but I think their real viewership for any particular show would be fairly low.