James Hinton

Amusingly that guy who says "Jim" was a mistake. He completely misunderstood what Maclachlan was saying and for some reason he thought he was asking his name.

It's really not shocking that BAYWATCH tanked, but I do wish that Johnson didn't do the bullshit "This movie isn't for critics" when the movie got terrible reviews. Come on, you're better than that bullshit. I know you have a movie to promote but you can't play that card when something like 21 JUMP STREET (And the

Yeah and I'm sure Bill Cosby met some women he didn't rape.

I think that it's a great argument to make, however I don't know that Lawrence is particularly a great person to make it. For AMERICAN HUSTLE her pay was ultimately less than Bradley Cooper and Christian Bale, but then her workload was a lot less (She worked 19 days on the movie, Cooper worked 46 days). Amy Adams

It seems like at some point, Lynch wanted to use Josie again in the Black Lodge and the 'Judy' mentioned in FWWM was supposed to be her sister, but I guess those plans fell apart.

Who the fuck would care. It's one screening after the movie has already opened. Why is this even an argument that people are trying to make?

It's worth noting that it's also a charity screening. It was just a fun themed night that's all.

Do you also go up and down the country, protesting clubs that hold ladies only nights?

Yeah I mean that explains the Log Lady (Isn't it hinted that the log is her husband?). I believe that when they asked Lynch what to do with Packard and he said to make her part of the hotel they took him far too literally.

I can't hate Leo though, he was so hilariously one note in everything that he did.

For some reason I assumed it was Hank, but thinking it about it now it's the same episode where Leland is sitting in the dark when Maddie leaves the house. So you can probably reason that Leland follows Maddie and sees Jacoby waiting and attacks him.

Of all the storylines in the show, who would've expected the Mill to be the one that makes it right to the end?

I actually think that quite a bit of it is 'logical', in that it makes sense in the internal logic of the show. Even the fate of Josie Packard has some precedent. It can be hard to parse through at times, but there a sense to be made.

I think that Duchovny was a little too self aware in his scene, which is what tends to happen when you revisit a character after so long, but I liked the sentiment behind it.

No I mean them pushing him front and centre when they tour those areas, despite where he's been on the roster. It'll be the same for Jinder.

Though Lynch admitted he just wanted an excuse to romance Madchen Amick, the fact that Shelly is the only person that Cole can hear clearly is incredibly sweet.

Because when they go on tour to those places they'll have him be a face. They do it all the time. It's for live show revenue (It's why they put Sami Zayn front and centre when they go to the middle-east).

I originally thought it was Diane, but Albert's "I know where she drinks" makes me think it might be Sarah Palmer, since she can see BOB.

I don't know, I feel like you're ignoring a massive amount of their plot from the first two seasons, which is mainly about Andy's 'sperms'.

I love that it continues the thread of the original show, which is that Hawk is easily the most competent person they have.