James Hinton

No I'm arguing that if the characters in a movie about how humanity is played out and needs to be eradicated keep making dumb decisions then chances are it's the point and not 'lol Ridley Scott is dumb and can't tell stories'.

Well…did it?

Yeah but that's sort of the point…it argues that it's misplaced arrogance. From what I remember, by the end it outright says that the Americans fuck it up by wading into other countries and making terrorists out of people.

Carano isn't very good, but she's a fuckload better than Rousey is. Even when she's not speaking she's real bad.

I think 2 is arguably more instrumental in what came later than the first one is. The first, for lack of a better term, is somewhat grounded. The second is when it really starts to stretch itself, then 4/5 carry that on.

I don't know, I don't think it's really fair to ever criticise how a character acts in a situation where they're encountering something they've never encountered before. I mean…she watched something burst out of the guys back and then watched an alien chewing someone's face. I don't think you can apply rational

On its own, it's not all that bad, but it's the scenes that precede it that really hammers home how dumb it is. He sees him talking to an alien, sees his crewmember who has been torn apart, listens to a lecture about this killing machine that David has made and STILL follows him around.

They don't hire complete idiots, they just hire the only people who would go for the job (And indeed, it's hinted that Vickers hires people who are ineffectual to derail her father's mission), but the whole movie is ostensibly about people acting really dumb around things they don't understand so it's not entirely out

Wait, weren't you arguing in the SPLIT thread that one incredibly vague piece of dialogue gave away too much?

Some things I'm willing to forgive it for (The growth spurts) because I can buy that it's down to David's endless tinkering in building the perfect organism as he explains it. Others kind of less so. I don't mind the stuff with McBride's wife because I don't really buy "That's not how anyone would act" arguments

Here's my thoughts on it: It's basically Scott deciding he wanted another go at PROMETHEUS, so he put the thematic points of that movie front and centre and built a fairly rote ALIEN movie around it. Ultimately I still prefer that movie because, though it's admittedly a mess, it's one that's largely more interesting

I'm glad that FEUD got things right with Castle, but they were really not kind to Robert Aldrich, who was vastly different to the way he was portrayed here (Also I feel like FEUD casts BABY JANE in the wrong light. It's looking back on it from 2017 as this sort of high camp movie, but it's actually pitch black and

Regardless of what people feel they 'know', the prosecution couldn't prove a lot of it. It was similar to the OJ trial in that way. Clarke and Darden thought they had a slam dunk and seemed to be barely trying at times, then everything got spun around on them.
In Anthony's case I don't know whether it was just poor

I debated CHRISTINE in that one, but I usually think of 'coming of age' stories as being about younger kids, but maybe I'm just thinking of King in particular.

I mean…he's only written like 2 of them. Unless you want to include APT PUPIL which is a very different spin on that.

I think that initial, terrible, photoshopped picture of Pennywise peeking out of a drain really killed enthusiasm for the movie, but the trailers have done an excellent job of pulling that back.

I at least get the idea behind it but it's such a fine line to walk that I really don't feel like there's a writer who could do it justice. Whenever I read the book I just try and think about it in a metaphorical sense more than anything else.

I really think that's a bit of a reach.

I know Ambrose has dipped a toe in the water already, but he has a really great future as a sleazy character actor should he decide to go that route.

The fact that WWE themselves didn't know what a 'House Of Horrors' match was until very recently tells you all you need to know about it (And of course, they deliver what most people would've expected them to anyway). Here's hoping they never mention that ever again.