James Hinton

I've cooled greatly on Seth. He's starting to remind me of Ziggler in his more desperate appeals to connect with the crowd. And frankly, Joe really carried him through their match.

The only reason that these posts are here is because people read them and there's a community there. There are a lot more 'popular' shows that have way less comments on any given week.

They used to be a lot better, and way more candid than they are now. Once the powers that be at Reddit realised it was just another publicity tool it got to be a lot more sanitised, but there's been a lot of fun AMAs.

Pinkpop in Holland was a generally more chilled festival. But then of course that was Holland and, you know…weed.

Actually that line is an Aaron Sorkin joint. I don't think Tarantino did work on THE ROCK, but he did work on CRIMSON TIDE.

Mmhmm, this is certainly a level headed response. A documented racist you say?

I mean there were a lot of people interviewed here on TV the very next day who regretted their vote, and outright said that if they knew it would've happened then they wouldn't have done it.

I do not like the second movie at all (Oh great, Myers gets to do the same scottish accent he already used in SO I MARRIED AN AXE MURDERER? again) and the third is just outright bad, but the first movie is fantastic.

In his WTF interview, Carvey admitted that he was doing movies he knew were terrible but then started getting offers to do corporate gigs that were paying just as well, so he decided to pack it in, take the corporate money and be with his family instead.

The funniest thing for me about that scene (And I don't usually like toilet humour) is that he's ultimately so supportive of what he thinks is Austin's attempt at going to the toilet.

I've watched this whole damn show so I'm glad to see them finally overhaul the cast. There's no reason their story should've gone on as long as it has.


Yeah, I mean FIRE WALK WITH ME is just one long long heartbreak.

I mean, to be fair, he's gone for nearly all of S2 and without a direction to go in (And the network insisting they solve the mystery) you get nonsense like Josie Packard possessing a doorknob.

I can't really get with that. I think MD is relatively straight forward and is arguably one of his most coherent works. Nearly every scene works towards the theme. The movie absolutely knows what it is and what it wants to be.

There's quite a few moments in Don Winslow's books that match or exceed them. Though it's arguably worse since they're largely fact based (And makes you realise how much worse it was that Sean Penn interviewed El Chapo).

I had seen this on Twitter first and thought well yeah, it's clear the PR folks have stepped in before hand, but having read Moss' full answer, it seems more about how she's approached the role, which is to not play her as someone with an agenda. That's much less of a talking point than people are making out.

There was a leaked sheet from when the cast of ZOOTOPIA were doing the press tours. It explicitly told them to not focus on any social themes in their answers and to instead talk about how light and funny the movie is.

Neither is the one they released, as any moral issue is quickly brushed aside for the sake of romance. Of course, that'll still happen in this cut as well, and is unavoidable as it's the whole basis of the third act.

That's fair, yes he should acknowledge those elements of himself, but then given he barely mentions his drug and alcohol addictions it's entirely possible he wasn't ready to face those truths.