James Hinton

Yeah I mean Grammer has discussed Sideshow Bob numerous times and with clear affection for the character, so it's not as though he's ashamed of it or anything.

I think it's more an honorary role. I believe he's also made it onto the board at Disney.

Yes. The Marvel 'Creative Committee' has been disbanded, but Perlmutter oversees the TV division instead. It's rumoured that's why they've not been able to work out a deal to get any of the TV guys into the movieverse. And likely never will.

This is kind of fascinating. We prescribe meaning to work from 'artists' but I think there's a tendency to balk at doing the same for regular people, even though we're all influenced by the same subconscious, whether we know it or not. If nothing else, there's clearly a theme to Melania Trump's photography.

I would've liked to have seen Mickie stick to NXT for a while instead of just going straight to the main roster.

I read that in the Observer and I couldn't stop laughing. Of course they have no clue what that match is going to be.

One of those Jason Reitman live-reads recast that movie with an all female cast. So it was:

I like Smith well enough, but I don't think he has that blankness that Neo needs (Funnily enough though, Jaden does). It's also why I'm thankful that he didn't get the part in DJANGO UNCHAINED. Tarantino told Foxx that at the start of the movie he doesn't want the audience to see Django, he just wants them to see the

Weird, none of those responses feature any Japanese, Korean, Indian or Chinese actors.

I think the Game hunting argument is a really interesting jumping off point. There are so many people who are vitriolic against it in any form and don't understand how - as queasy as it might make them - there is absolutely real conservational benefits to allowing it.

Nah, watch the movie. It's overlong but it's a decent movie that's about art and commerce. But it'll make you hungry.

I did genuinely nearly walk out of it on my first and only viewing. It was an impressive technical feat, and it still is, but as a movie it fell completely flat.

KICK ASS 2 is like a DTV sequel that somehow ended up in cinemas. I didn't like the first one that much, but it so utterly misses the mark on following it up in anything meaningful way (And it has some godawful CG moments).

He's pretty great in COLOSSAL.

Genuinely I felt like DRIVE ANGRY and MY BLOODY VALENTINE were better '3D' movies than AVATAR. It's a gimmick, it will always be a gimmick, so at least have fun with it.

When I watched AVATAR all I could think was "Wow, this movie look like it cost a lot of money." For some reason it was the only thought in my head, mainly because I found it so completely uninvolving.

It's such a major misfire of a movie. And it cements the idea that Tom Hooper doesn't really know what he's doing. He shoots wide when it should be close, and shoots so close that you wish he'd pull back at times (It happens with THE KING'S SPEECH as well, where he decides that something 'important' must be a close

The last act of GREEN HORNET is so weirdly out of step with the rest of the movie, and it's a shame because I think that their script really does bring some interesting ideas to the table. I think there's a general disconnect between their sensibilities and Michel Gondry though, which is a shame.

He also did the same thing I've seen him do a couple of times which is wade in on something, get made to look like a fool and then sort of act like he's above it all.

Add to that Coach getting involved on Twitter and then getting clowned on by Meltzer so hard that he's announced he's quitting wrestling coverage for ESPN and that's more or less it.