James Hinton

Lest we forget that Blackman was bedridden for 2 years with Malaria and came back stronger than ever.

My issue with this is that…quippy is kind of Marvel's thing at this point. There's the joke about there not being this much talking in a fight, but there's plenty of it everywhere else.

Emo Parker is still great, and I think that moment where we get to see what Peter Parker thinks is cool gets him better than almost any other iteration does.

Check the credits. If Avi Arad is named anywhere on there then he's your culprit.

Garfield, an actor I like a lot, is pretty bad and veers on tears endlessly. I thought I imagined it until I read that leaked email from Kevin Feige asking why Peter looks like he's about to cry all the time.

No…this all stems from the same movie. This started while they were shooting Fast 8.

Honestly, just read them in order for a while.

I cannot hate MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE at all. It's just so goofy.

1922 is the first story, and it's fantastic. It's just dread upon dread.

It's impressive that it does basically do away with the origin story. If they were to make it now it would be 'Blade's first night out' or something like that. But wisely Goyer, of all people, took the approach of fuck it, we can just drop people in and catch them up pretty quickly.

For what it's worth, I don't think they actually share the screen in the new movie. The share scenes, but they're never filmed together.

You know that this actually all began when Johnson publicly started it all right?

He made a short movie called, appropriately enough, 'Multi-Racial', but for a long time he steered clear of answering questions about his race, which I certainly understand.

Something Awful, like this place (Though that's dwindling with the way things are going) and Birth Movies Death and a handful of others are what I always check in on most days. One of the best things is that the bullshit trolling is reasonably self-contained. Giving them their own forum to fuck around in was a pretty

I still go there. It has, hands down, the best movie discussion I've found online. I've tried r/movies but it's just been a lot of 'hey I saw this guy on youtube discussing stuff and I'm going to parrot it'.

Yeah I think that changed over time. I think by the time you get to the S2 episode with Gretchen and what happened with Grey Matter then you get to the real Walter White.

I agree. I think a few of the mixes on LOVE (Particularly 'I Am The Walrus') sound a lot better than they have before.

The thing is, they don't need a remaster, they need a remix (Which thankfully this seems to be).

I think McCartney or one of the others said that they would spend weeks just working on the mono mixes, whereas the stereo ones were done over a weekend without them in attendance.

While I would agree, I think BREAKING BAD also makes the case that Heisenberg was always just playing at being Walter White. Maybe at the start he has the noblest of intentions, but it isn't so much a good man being corrupted it as it is a man who dances towards the darkness without much prompting.