Radioactive Man

This show is just the pits. I swear I have stockholm syndrome and that's the only reason I keep tuning in.

You're really going to bat for Trouble with Trillions? That's one of those Season 9 episodes that really demonstrates whats to come with the shows decline.

It's just a little airborne, it's still good!

Bake him away toys!

I thought the Succubus answer was a little dark for Teen Tournament as well but eh

Unless you're a mysterious immigrant who arrived in Argentina in 1945 speaking only German!

So, is this the first push by Universal for adapt their "Monsters" into a Marvel style cinematic universe? I remember hearing that they wanted to try it, and this seems like a comic book movie, sans comics. I suppose the Mummy would be next?

You are technically correct. The best kind of correct!

TVDW, fly you free Freebird, fly!

Wow, true props to y'alls Moms. For me, this clue was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't put it together sadly

I agree with all this commentary, and The Grey was really submarined due to it's marketing. Every single ad ended with Neeson strapping on those glass knuckles ready to punch out wolves.

Pitt. The. ELDER!

As a Mavs fan, I'm obliged to remind you that Deshawn Stevenson and the Mavs won that series against the Heat, unlike Lance. Additionally, Deshawn's "Hey Lebron! How's my Dirk taste?" is still one of the best T-shirts of all time

I'll check with a "Handsome" Frank Pierce!

Downvote… I'm a car-hole truther till I die

Biggest problem I have with Hayes is I always get Hayes and Benji Harrison confused.

"I cannot tell a lie… that fucker had it coming."

There were some easy misses in this game, but sad to see Julia go. Finally began to get behind her in the last 3 or 4 games and then she's gone, alas.

Decent win for Julia, and I can't remember the clue now but there was a $400 DJ clue that they all blanked on that seemed ridiculously easy to me at the time…

Nah, I'm all 'bout those 1760s yo! End of the 7 Year's War! Taxes! George III!