Radioactive Man

Why remind us and rub it in our faces. Hey, at least the Hard Boiled Blu isn't interlaced like the fucking The Killer one.

So, I utterly love these films, and this is my least favorite. Numerous issues abound (including some of the bigger plot holes in the series).

The New Order is kinda like Alt-Empire?

You'd hope so… they took a PAL copy and retimed it for NTSC… the whole thing is an utter mess

Does Leatherface do flips with the chainsaw in TCM2? If not then advantage still Tiger On Beat lol

The first five minutes? In the opening credits Nic Cage dances around like a priest and then orgasms while groping a choir singer in full view of the entire church! Ah, that movie is gonzo.

From my understanding, the Weinsteins are the force behind Dragon Dynasty, so dickishness… yeah.

If you want gloriously crazy Hong Kong action, try Tiger on Beat. Chow-Yun Fat buddy cop flick that ends on a legit chainsaw on chainsaw sword duel.

Stranglehold was a fun game, it was an interesting collaboration, even if all I did the whole game was slow mo dive while blasting twin pistols. John Woo would have been proud.

Woo did get a chance at a couple of other Hollywood flicks that are more his style. I actually enjoy Broken Arrow (though it may be that I saw it at such a young age I have fond memories) and MI:2 is the closest to pure Woo in the west outside of Face/Off (which is a fucking priceless movie).

Finally, we get to Woo! The Killer is excellent, but I can't wait for Hard Boiled to come up here, as that is the greatest action movie of all time.

Eric Andre is a funny guy, but I definitely prefer his role on Man Seeking Woman to his "talk" show. I'm not a big anti-comedy fan, which he plays on a fair amount, but damn is he hilarious in MSW. He's the kind of guy I could see stealing a comedy movie as a secondary character

Hard Boiled is the greatest. It got me into HK Action, and there are some real gems. Aside from Woo, the Ringo Lam movies are great though it's hard to find most of them in USA region. City on Fire IS Reservoir Dogs, the same way Yojimbo got turned into A Fistful of Dollars.

I keep waiting for the heroic bloodshed genre to finally arrive… A Better Tomorrow definitely deserves a spot, and Hard Boiled is one of my favorite movies of all time. I get the love for The Killer, but I'd take Chow Yun-Fat with that baby and a shotgun any day of the week.

Okay, so crazy theory corner after tonights episode…

I'll toss my hat in the ring as another AV Clubber who is stunned at the outcry over the anal sex joke at the end. While I found the full ass shot in somewhat poor taste, it was pretty much a shrug the shoulders issue, and it as the ending was rectified by the actual final scene 1 minute into the credits. The fact

I really like Stephanie. She's smart, she's fast, and she's sexy. When she answered the Victor Emmanuel clue with the Italian pronunciation, I was taken. Viva le Stephanie!

Oh, let's say…Moe.

Simply atrocious. I'm out, done. The only reason I was even trying to hold on was for the mythos (what can I say, I'm a sucker for exposition) but it's obvious the show is too damn incompetent for anything good to result. Eichhorst, Set and Fet are the only decent characters on the show (and even Fet is terribly

Honestly, as soon as Eph told him not to leave the store I began DVR skipping every scene of that "subplot". I fast forwarded through the whole supermarket thing.