Radioactive Man

As I watch more and more, I've realized that unless the category is simply crazy, you should always bet the maximum amount on the DD in the Jeopardy round. A successful true DD can break some of your opponents before double Jeopardy even starts, and even if you screw the pooch, you're usually only down by 3 or 4K

This was a disappointing game, and I can't help but notice the extreme drop after Battle of the Decades. I keep shouting for true DDs, while Julia puts up meek 2K-3K bets. Julia is nice and all, but she's getting into the whole historic territory while not actually being great at anything. Every game she could be

You say that, but the ladies certainly exhausted every option before the Heisman winners category

While I was disappointed that Brad won, in retrospect these games were truly excellent and enjoyable with all 3 contestants playing well and playing up certain roles. Ken was Ken, the people's hammer even though he showed his dark side egging Roger on in Game 1. Brad I think realized that he isn't Ken and won't ever

Goodness gracious, amazing episode. Tyrion and everything was great, but my favorite part of the show is Charles Motherfuckin Dance. Reading the books, Tywin is kind of an asshole, but a good plotter. In the show, Tywin Lannister is GOD. At some points it seems like he's playing 3-D chess while everyone else plays


Aside from the general poor play, I was slain by the epic fails on the Attila the Hun clue. Really people? You know of the Hanseatic League but not freaking Attila the Hun?

Egads, that was an absolutely terrible game of Jeopardy in a number of ways. Even before the phaser fail, Matt called Dorothy's ruby slippers "red shoes", Nancy mispronounced Belarus, etc…

Good show team. Now is the easiest part of any writer's job, the cuts. Now while I wasn't able to cut everyone I wanted to, I have cut a lot of you. Quentyn is cut. Darkstar is cut. Areo, you're gone. Victarion, I like your hustle. That's why it was so hard to cut you. Congratulations! The rest of you made the season!…

As awesome as that would be, I'm going to be a sad puppy when Vic gets cut and Euron goes off with the Iron Fleet to Dany while Asha/Yara tries to save Theon.

"Usually this mood subsides naturally, or you just need to actually begin doing something in order to realise how long and painful the real working process is."

As I already wrote on the Gawker post of this "theory", this is simply people discovering the joys of geography. "OMG Did U no that Denmark is btween Norway and Germany?!?!"

Voted up, but one must ask what a Spanish Galleon would be doing off the (presumable) coast of Denmark

OMG working I think….YAAAAAAY

This fucking sucks, I'm dying over here…

Athenian Empire bro, ended by the Peloponnesian War. Technically it was the Delian League but everybody nowadays pretty much calls it the Athenian Empire.

Hey man, when was the last time you saw Kate Winslet's tits? They rock. It was amazing to me when I bought Titanic on Blu that it was PG-13, even though Winslet goes full topless.

I'm going to get burned hard for this but…
Gone With The Wind is not as terribly racist as it's reputation makes it. It seems like nowadays every time it gets mentioned there has to be a sidebar on how it's horribly offensive, but GwtW isn't Triumph of the Will or Birth of a Nation. Scarlett isn't whipping slaves or

Agree with you entirely on ZDT being the best movie of that year. Argo was an enjoyable flick, but I was dumbstruck by ZDT. In fact I still am, every time I watch it.

I'm just…I…no words. Mockingbird is an American classic. Lawrence of Arabia is a classic of world cinema.