Radioactive Man

Honestly, Never Gonna Register, I don't know why Harvard even bothers to show up. They barely even won.

Lousy Smarch weather…

"Who Goes There" will be the best episode of any show this year.

Hey so, I know we're at a good time TV-wise, but might there be just a tad of grade inflation going on at the moment? In 1 day we've had 5 A grades, with an A- too (alongside one B-, and a C). That skews awful high

Honestly, it could of been worse I feel. The guy did just catch his H.S. freshman (I think) daughter being doubleteamed by college age guys. I think you get to be a tad upset in that scenario. It ain't exactly Coach Taylor catching Seven and Julie together if you get my drift (those FNL Valentine's cards have me

NOTHING is better than Foodfight, Christ I remember watching that movie at least 5 times in a row with people on an internet stream, it felt like I lived through a fucking war.

This freaked me out because my uncle is literally named Jeff Whatley

But it comes with a free frogurt!

Strange, I saw it last night as well, and the second act dragged for me but I found the first funny and the third hilarious. All the cameos at the end really got me though

I suppose that I appreciate your continued participation in this debate, but this argument will continue to go absolutely nowhere, as I find your comments at odds with themselves and you seem to find my appreciation for this book deeply unsettling for reasons I still cannot understand.

Yeah but that's why I have a computer, with a keyboard and mouse. It'll be a lot quicker than using an Xbox

"The book's perceived superior quality is coming at the expense of real people's sacrifices."

Naw I graduated college just a couple years ago. We had it on DVD projected via the class projector used for Powerpoints etc. I agree with your points on the desert though, I actually toked a little bit before going to watch it and it was practically a religious experience. I was IN the desert

"By doing this it becomes a much more inspirational story, designed to provoke people to bold action"

If you really want to get into this, I could also claim that Mandela was a violent terrorist who advocated using force and murder to overthrow the South African Government for over 30 years. I don't actually believe that statement, but Nelson Mandela was NOT a blameless saint. You want to know why? Because he was a

"Atticus's fictional act of heroism has supplanted so many people's notion of the reality of what most often, too often occurred."

Fully agree. I first watched the film for a class on Middle East History, and we had a 10-foot projector which served the film pretty well until I was able to catch it during one of those Fathom Events things on the big screen. Tremendous

@ Guest, there are a couple of inaccuracies in your statements (at least according to the movie, it's been a couple years since I read the book).

To Human Misery!

Sports Podcasts anybody?