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    Classic. I read about it, wished I could have seen it - a 1997 episode that was reviewed but the clip was taken down of course.

    It was so great to watch that show and just be surprised back then. The episode where he decided to broadcast from outside due to the fire (I think?) that had occurred in the NBC building that day. And Andy was allowed to be funny - the remote segment he went to (Woodstock II, or Lollapalooza?) concert and before you

    Well…. Dylan chose Patti Smith which is ok and the choice of song is great, etc.. I really don't know what to think about Smith halting, not getting it together to work through the whole number. Honesty and human, sure I get that, but the song was delivering double that anyway. This is about the performance and so

    Plus then it's Butters who plants the seed of doubt in Cartman (After talking with Clinton, saying women are sick of men's shit and so forth) and sets up the return of old Cartman, or at least, hints that he is still there under the nicer Eric.

    I was sort of enjoying this series mostly just waiting to see how it will play out or bring together the fairly complicated quirkiness of several characters. But I missed the last ep and this one, and now reading about large quantities of wordy exposition plus time-travel makes me feel it was inevitable the series

    Really still? I thought she was starting high school and same age. Well, girls mature earlier anyway…

    Well, I see it differently - it was loaded with two points: one, that she directly states something that often gets forgotten about when considering the Gems appearance (essentially just "conscious manifestation of light") and added to that, the other point that I was going to was not that they fought, but that she

    Still, I'm reminded of Pearl's statement in "Last One Out of Beach City" : "I asked her about her hair, and then she asked how I colored mine. I told her, "My appearance is just a conscious manifestation of light." and she said, "I know how that is." although, heh, I highly doubt it. Oh! And then I added, "By the way,

    Well, there's also the whole Connie side of their relationship. I guess she feels most guys are immature at 14 or conversely, just on the verge of hormonal overdrives and prefers the whole fusing thing with Steven. But yeah, it's very weird at times mixing the extremely adolescent qualities of what can only be a boy,

    followed by group hug.

    There's an interesting idea in the GG series, that Rory, Lorelei and Lorelei's parents (I'm including the father for a reason) represented three different types of stages, and acting too. At the center is Lorelei, who comes from a Mary Tyler Moore era of sitcom, a literate female character who "makes it on her own"

    I'm fine with that, but in the larger terms of a series, it's not much to build a character supposedly as interesting as Rory, or to look kinder on her self-absorbed turns.

    Yes, entitlement writ large. I don't really see what the authors want their audience (which they obviously feel are intelligent) to empathize with. It's like, this is "just like" the same thing which women writers coming from a far less privileged background, writing legitimate - and more - material, had to endure and

    "Rory is not special for experiencing turmoil at this point in her life,
    unsure of what to do next—however, like so many, she believes herself to
    be special, and believes there is something deeper for her out there."
    How… inviting? And better yet, Rory should write a memoir. I mean, your old friend had to give you the

    That photo of the Gilmores is doing them no favor. The umbrella design is super smart and sexy, but the rest… it's as if the stylist was conspiring against the actual two people wearing them. Especially those shorts. I expect the scene is part of a set-up to a joke

    Incredible. Timely theme, actual real biography, Herzog as director, shot on a location (in Morocco) rather than studio sets. I'd like to blame it on James Franco, a curse or something, but I think Herzog has acquired a kind of reverent tone with material nowadays, and that can work with docu if you want to get

    Kidman being solid should be/ is standard for her if the material and director are all up to speed. I'm just going by the AV review that didn't seem to note Patel's "excellent" acting improvement (more like the child actor got the credit) plus all his other films combined. But I'm willing to be surprised.

    Only he'll buy it and rename it "Trump of the Will"
    Actually he's too stupid and impatient to either know or sit through that. More than likely he'd refer to Triumph the dog, who is VERY RUDE and NOT FUNNY. LAME.

    Engineers and scientists, let alone authors (we are talking about great American public readership now) were heroes receiving high praise and prizes? Or maybe you are thinking about lip service. As for soldiers, don't worry, it's moved on to conditioning, medals aren't needed, now every reality show reconditioning

    Age is always there waiting in the wings for actresses, sure. But one film — hell Kidman had more flops than hits in the last decade I would say. Not to mention a few actresses who did not win Oscars. Basinger didn't seem to convert the Oscar into an extended run (although it got a good Simpsons joke) and for an