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    She practically became an icon for hot tight little dress and heels! Well-enough established to play it for laughs in Wayne's World 2. An Oscar, and a good Simpsons episode, no idea why her story went Hollyweird for a while with buying that town and messy divorce from Baldwin and the worst of all - absence from the

    Rooney Mara and Nicole Kidman get to be girlfriend and mother for… DEV PATEL? Seriously no. That one pic aside, he's essentially just goofy and mediocre acting - what films has he made showing he actually merited a pair of real Hollywood stars fawning over him? (Leave out the colonialist wetdream selection.) Frida

    Bored to Death had so many rich characters, just the Ted Dansen role changes the scene each time he's in it. My fear with this show is that it's overly-complicated of a beginning (I liked reading the description of Shawkat identifying with the missing poster more than watching it all) and with basically thin,

    Thanks for the links, both interviews - so funny and interesting people - it just makes me respect the show even more.

    I enjoy these last eps for the decision to develop Kirk (and by default Milhouse, although he's had his moments now for a while.) I think he's been the MVP recently, having some great lines and scenes. It's time for him, Homer and maybe Ned to go for a road movie scenario.

    Well done, but… still feels too damn soon, at least partly for me.

    I'm really enjoying Insecure when Issa is front and center, and exploring her voice — (and the rap she laid down in the recording booth is definitely going to emerge at just the right/wrong time, like the video of her rapping did for broken pussy.) In this episode, Insecure comes too close to an updated Girlfriends

    Yes I thought Molly being so insecure, another factor is that she is no longer able to trust Jared around such situations (bartender) as women and men are both competition in her eyes now.

    Still follow whatever the Simpsons are up to, but Simpsons travel shows just drag it down with mostly misses. It gives the feeling of boxes checked off for a list of tired cliches ( as opposed to playing with them or turning them inside out or on their head or — you know, humor stuff writers get paid for usually) a

    It's difficult to separate the early Beastie Boys from their transformation circa Paul's Boutique onwards, which to their credit, they improved - or became - artists as they got older, even managing to fold their origins as a band into the mix. But still, the misogynist mindset of LTI was a factor felt even then,

    I can't imagine anything wrong with having a newspaper that provides pages and pages of comics (other than trees, environment ergo people suffer.) In the context of its time period, Krazy Kat emerges from the basement and moves into the full panels along with such a strange brew of other strips that would eventually

    Both the early 1913 era cartoons and the later 1960s are online (even library of congress apparently) as I suppose free of copyright. I recall the best aspect of the early 60s cartoon was at least they try to keep the landscape feel.

    I recall that because there was an avid following with occasional creative comments on the Comics Curmodgeon blog.The big letdown and the end-of-days feeling to the strip was indeed due to the way the strip, which had been a quite well-received family growing-up story (to her credit introducing something of a mixed

    Agree with the John Hodgeman character being refreshingly different and fun.

    I am glad Red Oaks gets some discussion. The thing is, all the characters have some fidelity to the 80s models, then also have some other layers explored that makes it familiar but also just a bit off. Not enough to be strange, which could have been more fun. This is always going to be safe viewing. But like with the

    Yes, definitely Skye is channeling Neve Campbell - only she nerved me in this season because her character as aspiring artyiste in NYC just has to. The music selection deserves praise, it returns some feeling to all the cliches of that period. John Candy is always missed.

    What the hell… watching the first (very funny) Lyle the intern clip and suddenly a graphic interrupts to state Hillary Clinton projected win in California — way too soon. Archive TV clips should be free of breaking news banners.
    Otherwise, just adding that the Lyle the intern pieces were smoothly executed, some of

    Apparently the same is true of "The Good Guys", from 1968-70, but from its wiki page it sounded plausible. Even TV land refused re-runs. It's not like Gilligan raised the bar so high that other shows couldn't manage.

    Bob Denver was good, a combination of energy yet laid back, soft spoken way about his characters. He really deserved credit for Maynard G. Krebs, more than Gilligan which was so one-note in that 60s pop sitcom way. To his credit, Denver managed two characters in two different eras of TV sitcoms: in the Dobie Gillis

    This post should be updated ….