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    This reminds me of how pervasive and common is the use of the song "Dixie" (Oh I wish I was in the land of …etc.) in movies through a number of decades, including of course Warner Bros. cartoons. Often this is only 50 years since the war itself. The song moves all over genres and periods, as if this is the one song

    On Netflix, but with laugh track? "A New Strain" would be a good title for yet another Lorre project. I'm surprised the promo didn't connect it to "Mom", you know, the sitcom about mother and daughter cleaning their former drug/alcohol abuse in AA. Still, I love Kathy Bates, or Academy Award Winner Kathy Bates.

    I've got a choice of three different browsers running on my mac. The only sure thing when going on any of those former gawker colleagues now univision sites is that firefox (updated) with my OSx accepts the entry of name and pw and just shows nothing changed, never logs me in. While Safari and others do. With or

    As a mac user working on different browsers, who was for years on gawker and related sites, and moved onto their univision world, I just want to say Kinja sucks. Once you're in the greys (without any explanation) it is ridiculous to get back, practically Kafkaesque. It invites abuse by commenters on other commenters.

    This episode was great. I liked how fecal matter glues together the very different types of dark, fantastic passages of folk fables and seemingly benign therapy-based narratives that Rick experiences. He moves from a hand-sized pickle shape (resembling dildo and turd as well as food, so, like calling to mind all

    I can see the pitch for this movie: Imagine "No Exit", only performed in an elevator — wait for it — inside the WTC during 9/11! But seriously, how/why do you contain Gershon inside an elevator for the whole movie?

    More appropriate, he doesn't look like Elvis.
    It is mind-blowing how much was known at the time about Elvis, documented in press outings and even discussed in interviews, that he went particularly after "virginal" 14 year old girls in particular (not just Priscilla but parallel with others during the next years) was

    But art will not wine before its time.

    So like a Trump press conference?

    And the lip-synchers (including those who have appeared at Wembley) just smile.

    Reading the name Miranda Cosgrove recalls for me how old this franchise feels now, as well the minions dead horse flogged already (and basically one-upped on TV by the Rabbids series.) At least Cosgrove can consider it as an early retirement package.

    "Busey the younger, of the From Dusk to Dawn series…" yes, yes, but we all know where he really left an impression with his seminal role in MTV's Shasta McNasty.

    So in other words the regular Greg Proops expression?

    Yeah, the on edge part of it is sort of true. But if I had to travel three days across country with some kids within earshot singing and playing crap versions of Brown-Eyed Girl over and over… I'm sure "on edge" won't cover my state of being.

    My experience from DC to NYC is that it is significantly, definitely no phones, which means no constant conversations. Still you get insanely LOUD typists, who are unable to just press a keyboard but have to hammer at it for some reason. And there seems to be always just one person who can't manage to shut up, the

    I have no idea why Penn Station feels the need to do that, plus at least on Acela everyone waiting just watches which gate the baggage porters take the bags down ahead of time and figures the track out 9 times out of 10.

    Your mother would know why too: a Disney, Han Solo movie is basically always closer to wholesome, store-brand Oat-based Cereal.

    Record players in rooms, that's a real incentive to book Hard Rock Hotels. Hear your drunk neighbors from both sides of your "soundproof" hotel room blasting two different soundtracks, picking up the needles and dropping them down again and again - rocknroll!!

    Original, founding members and bandmates at the level of Who and Stones aren't simply co-workers though. Stones played Hyde Park two days after Brian Jones death, and at least tried to make it open in some way to the memory of Jones.

    She's including holograms.