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    That would be RICH talentless asshole. (The combination of which was such as to then lose a significant amount of that wealth.)

    I would not be surprised if it was Yoko. Who else would care?

    didnt mccartney just want the allowance to put his name in front of lennon for yesterday, and never could manage it legallly, despite lennon basically stating he did nothing on that song nor cared for it… Ono basically comes very late to this name game

    groping though….

    As far as music goes, meh… At least the recent Spongebob Christmas Album had managed to get the normally reclusive Jonathan Richman to play guitar and join in one of the songs. And if you're going to write "Steppenwolf member" do include you meant the theater, otherwise someone can get worked up expecting a Spongebob

    Well that video is really compelling me to feel the pleasures of paying to listen and watch Bill Murray in front of a music stand, wearing reading glasses and glancing at papers while bellowing as a substitution for musicality.

    This feels like a movie that would have usually looked to cast Johnny Depp in the role.

    I agree, Simpsons is a billion dollar franchise over twenty more years in reruns, merch, licensing whatevers. He's basically asking for less than .01 percent while idiot execs put their name on as "producers" all the time and get some. Look at Big Bang Theory prices after just a few years, while Simpsons star voices

    The Newseum… essentially founded by the man who started USA Today and that whole contribution to journalistic integrity.

    Don't "comedians" like Kathy Griffin (or that SNL person who did the equally stupid post with son-of-Trump and then apologized ) employ any writers with a little bit of strategic career common sense? This kind of stupid "wit" feels as if they were paid by the right wing press to perform the very cliches of idiot

    I wonder what he's trying to communicate with this?

    Well… vocally, it resembles not enough to think immediately of Dylan, neither in tempo or that particular sneer and tone people parody of him, and Young already had a voice out there, and it certainly isn't like Young then hearing absolute voice-alikes America and "Horse with No Name."

    Surely, as those kinds of comics do but I just felt it was a larger than usual gap between the two characterizations or personifications of WW. Of course, to be fair, lots of other superheroes are in masks and such too, less face time.

    WW's face and expressions from the inside pages with the snow scenes are tough to connect in some way to her face on the cover and and opening page with the screens. It's like the artist had to make the cover more generic version, and in the opening page screens more closer to the movie poses (especially the one pose

    It reminds me how he definitely was not pleased with the producer adding electric guitar to Simon's finished recording of "Sounds of Silence." It wasn't folk-classic universal sounding anymore.

    Exactly. Let's bemoan that he didn't die and instead got stuck with a great life and career…

    But Jimmy Fallon showed us it was all natural!

    Her natural expression results from the many procedures undertaken in an attempt to camouflage the void within, only to each time discover that it just emits even more concentrated from behind the eyes, a permanent mask of vacuousness, disguising nothing.

    I wasn't excited by the idea to begin with. But the fact that this base reality wasn't factored in the original pitch makes me wonder how that whole deal making process really goes. After all, it's precisely that turn-around factor that made SP unique, but they crafted what they needed. I just feel that Jon Stewart,

    Hey AV Club, I still enjoy the web version, despite a feeling of transition and cutbacks, but I was always wondering how this show idea was going to go. Definitely open to see what AV Club thought of the structure. I am underwhelmed, not by people involved, but the thing itself as TV / Cable / Fusion watching as