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    What about Thurston and Kim returning to again play on the finale of this series installment. I give that an 8. Yes, I know their once-bedrock configuration is now over, but it's for that reason seeing their professional pairing would be more interesting, if just as a commentary on this insatiable need to "return" to

    Well this choice certainly makes sense after the CPO Sharkey one. Definitely a loss that the series adapted to issue-of-the-week attitude later on. The idea of the corpse as the literal "body of evidence" serving as an aid in solving crime was pretty fresh feeling at least then. I have to say, Klugman, for all his

    She seems to sometimes pay attention to set things in diplomatic terms, then sometimes using fuck or swear words because she is being fun, and then using a word that is specifically intended, which was "misogynistic". It should have been picked up by Maron too.
    I was just thinking she wasn't the type for his set-up

    Nice overview - I was always pleasantly surprised whenever I caught episodes by chance. Having said that, I recall a really interesting episode between Raja and Claire. The premise was Claire working on a hotline, but being bad at it in some way, and ultimately she needs assistance, so Raja decides to call in to her,

    Yeah, I didn't mention that accenting the gross-out side as well. I guess three seasons is something, that's probably the minimum required for syndication on global level.

    Having witnessed Nick cutting the excellent Amy Poehler's "Mighty B!" cartoon far too early (one of the only to focus on a girl, a sister and then her little brother and pet dog, with a cultural range of characters in her Brownies-like troop) to then replace it with usual fodder, guys and their pets or fantasies, I

    That sounds right - thanks

    My takeaway from seeing those two and Sam Elliott is that Debra Winger deserves a much better comeback project.

    It's a while now since I binged this season of UKS, I still recall how much I liked this season. The casting was excellent, and Kudrow delivered. She was a real person, a coasterhead, sometimes a mother, and so many nice line readings like on the coaster with Kimmy you cited ("…Geena Davis" "Me too dude!")

    I guess I can field some of this but it seems written to the AV in general.

    Conjurs up an intriguing possibility. Although, to be fair, that description could sum up most of Phillip Glass music.

    Even if all he can hear is referencing Beatles, Four Freshmen, and Del Shannon (doubt those pre-internet RS readers get that reference anyway) THAT sounds interesting. Brian Wilson approves.

    I can't imagine any payoff for Raj storylines in whatever case ahead. At this point, the number of episodes where it felt writers had a solid fix on his character and an idea for that feel few and far between. I would have easily substituted Zak for Raj at this point.

    Ok well: Raj's character is ridiculous concerning objectifying women. The politeness (where for a while the idea was he might be gay leaning) hides a passive agressive mindset, where he's worthless but, hey, still: "No fat chicks", which is uttered by him among many many things. I think Bernadette is played by a good

    Ah yes, the Quincy episode is clearly titled: "Next Stop, Nowhere"

    I think in the end of that episode "Quinine" (talk about an anti-punk name - a cure for malaria, essentially the British colonial disease) end up joining Sharkey's unit as well, or something equally believable. Rickles really has two extremes to his acting career, the Beach Blanket period, and then Scorcese.

    After the kind of gestures Sheldon actually made for Howard (especially the recent episode signing over his shares for his/Bernadette's child, or like immediately mentioning to Howard something simple but profound when his mother died, and so on.. ) many occurring in front of her eyes, surely Bernadette can manage to

    Singing karaoke for their Neil Diamond passion no less, and discussing tickets for a concert. Putting aside Amy's ability to go on stage and sing suddenly (Diamond exuberance can do that I guess) that was a really good example of a development that seemed organic and warm between two different characters. It could

    - or a cartoon figure (as when she was in Disneyland). In an earlier era, "prostitute / Disney cartoon figure" could have been proposed as two ends of a "whore / madonna" spectrum, but today that black and white binary isn't seen as valid or operating. Which I guess is something Fey works with in her themes too.

    I can't believe they renew a standard fixture like Price is Right for only one year at a time.