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    Got your point. I'm often using a small screen. First lines disappear upwards as others follow. Plus my fingers protest at various mini keyboards and wander. I fear keyboard is co-authoring. Run-on sentences versus thought-through editing on internet comments? Apparently, I see the investment directly related to the

    Kind of .. just performance and production values are both not that …interesting, to the point of just being arty. Which is what the comic was definitely not. Sure there is a relationship but… so? To compare a comic strip moving to animation, I liked David Rees GYWO when he shifted to animated strip experiment. It was

    Yes, great as white stripes, but then later that whole Conan adoration of Jack White, especially after Tonight Show debacle, got a bit too fanboy.

    Yeah, definitely seems she was the one with mystery who could follow and embody the rules from those "principles" supposedly at work. He basically seemed ready to go the way of guitar heroes (a bit premature, seeming more as makeweight thirds in comparison with Page and The Edge in that documentary about the three

    Definitely - I recall being surprised at how he responded to Jerry's lament - as a comic - that now all (recently deceased) David Brenner's accumulated jokes, his craft as it were, would be just without further purpose etc.. and Shandling's response was that slight but important turn away from the expected

    It never occurred to me as here on AV it was already reviewed and all, but it was interesting about spoilers - he seemed as if at first to even mention he would hope to avoid giving things away, but then later, to make his points hit home, certain reveals became helpful. Pretty sure he'll have to make a deal on

    The WTF with Louis CK was just amazingly good — what Maron's WTF is somehow made for — his insider perspective on people from a certain field of comics and tv and as well his film acumen that is pretty sharp, and I gained respect for Louis CK in the way he went through the whole of Horace and Pete, the honesty and

    Still, I can imagine him doing that line reading, half sneer half smile, such that it all sounds like euphenisms for some sexual acts. Living the dream either way.

    "…at certain points the actors could be casting spells at each other." - so funny, I can also imagine it already. I saw Spacey speak about this movie on Colbert and couldn't imagine this was enough of a plot to become a feature film. The story details are funny as Spacey puts it, but also readable, not necessarily

    Aw well.. I just could go on about that particular takeaway of "Kimmy…." it was very noticeable and interesting to me. But I just really loved the series too.

    Agree - and to add (although this refers to this whole season so….) that smart referentiality - knowing who or what to reference - just highlights how Fey's use of the arts / cultural representations this season is really brought to the foreground. There's already so much about identity and communication, along with

    Ok, no surprise and more than fine with me, just don't mess with the reality that is Flip or Flop and Income Property (that still on even?)

    Read the Vulture article, it seems one basic premise — the films actually do make money? Tammy, really? Anyway, it doesn't seem really necessary yet - is there such a big outrage about McCarthy? or against her? Even the same article admits The Boss is not her best work at all, "an extended sketch", but hey it's five

    I love the space and knowledge devoted to the themes bundled within the old PBS warhorse Antiques Roadshow. That and Python remind me of old PBS days. As long as it doesnt look like a history channel knockoff with the new price graphics i am fine, they sound like they are aware of how not to lose their identity. Most

    I started to do that, this season really allows for rewatch pleasures too. Gift keeps giving.

    Lisa Kudrow was a great choice as Kimmy's mom, and made that character's roller-coaster obsession (along with her clique) come off in earnest. She could shift gears between saying something to Kimmy or just saying something at her direction to avoid speaking. Also, she's the only one who finally high-fives Kimmy

    Forget about that! Should be promising, certainly if just judging by the music in this season if nothing else.

    I watched thinking that it is striking how Fey can deliver as actor and author so incredibly well in these episodes, as a Fey-like character, parts Liz and not, while the large-screen movie career is just never going to match that, so far. Also without the NBC constraints that framed season 1, I like that season 2

    We agree, no tension - no desire nor chemistry - makes it seem too much effort for payouf in the story, for now anyway. Also I confess I forgot to factor in the tutor - season 1 seems so long ago now.

    Really old. And comes off more from fear, a crisis rather than smart sarcastic or cynical wisdom etc. What bands does someone expect to have that iconic catalog to return and listen to four decades in? At that audience size, etc. I'm definitely not a defender of any of these bands later back catalog (which means more