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    Dong serves a purpose first to a story, and both Kimmy and Dong are fairly innocent, if not really actually quite infantile when it comes to sex. There is nothing overtly sexual keyed to either character. Kimmy has attributes of friendship writ too large, she has this charm of a caring, helping, perky quirky overtly

    In the scene where Titus explains to Mikey what is not allowed to be said and the jackhammer starts making noise to drown out the words, at the very end the noise stops and Titus just seems to finish with "Jezebel" - which I figured since that is not a "prohibited" word, in usage or otherwise, it would make sense as

    "My hair is a cape" was so well done as comedy timing on the back of expecting Titus to make the comeback (like he seemed to) and realizing she was aware enough not only to anticipate him but that she participates too, she isn't just some crazy dame on the sidelines with tangential observations.

    Even though the 1960s Batman TV series was more camp, I think Burgess Meredith captured the Penguin in costume and attitude, if one goes by the Batman comics of that mid 60s period. The Tim Burton Penguin was too much overwrought makeup in the end of it all, although deVito did indeed pull it off.
    If for nothing else,

    Now with the knowledge this series is ending, this episode seemed meaningful, all that looking back, especially when Wander inferred that, watching himself in the past was sort of a waste of time as well (didn't he say that while looking into the repeated sandwich scene with Hater?) The other thing I noted, didn't

    They were definitely starting off as a potentially interesting brew - imagine listening to the sounds of, say, "25 or 6 to 4" while reading: "With this album, we dedicate ourselves, our futures and our energies to the people of the revolution. And the revolution in all of its forms." - written on the inner cover of

    I'd just go for the Beau Brummelstones playing the actual Beau Brummels hit "Laugh, Laugh"

    Never saw "FM" —- the Steely Dan song with the refrain "FM, no static at all" was for that, or supposed to be, if I'm not mistaken.

    When I read some of those more "radio-friendly" band names, it's difficult not to think of the Doobie Brothers change from origins as a Hells Angels favorite bar band to the point when they brought in Michael Mcdonald as lead vocal and songwriter. For one name that's quite a change in character.

    and on the Dinah Shore show no less.

    She was great at that point and the best concert was Dolby touring as her keyboardist.

    Really, lyrics were commissioned? No surprise I guess. It worked out much better for the show, musically at least.

    Adventure Time and Jerry Lewis in one thematic interview, well, I went into this interview not knowing what to expect and was pleasantly surprised, which is more than I can say with any Jerry Lewis interview I've watched. He usually conveys a just-under-the-surface discomfort that could go in any direction, but not

    Interesting choice and just from reading about it I can see why. I've got to try it out.

    The Munsters electric feel was all the nicer for not requiring words, and it just changed musical themes for the different characters entering the doorway (most obviously with Marilyn). The Addams Family had lyrics added, that dated it, made it feel more like an old fashioned ad jingle, as if they felt this had to be

    The Munsters really dressed up the suburban family sitcom in a cartoonish/ pop culture monster drag theme that - significantly - included their car. The Addams were actually based on a cartoon family that already had a skewed sensibility, not so much pop as surreal and dark humored. It's telling that in the tv series

    The videos didn't really add to the lasting appeal either.

    "the horn-stoked “Absolute Beginners”—that had been criticized for being overproduced and bombastic" - that would be the Julien Temple film in fact, overhyped and underdelivering.
    I think for the fans at that time, the real problem with Weller's shift from the Jam to Style Council wasn't the music alone, but the shift

    This was the year of Paint Drying on the Wall - someone made a 10 hour movie of it as a as a protest against the fees the censorship board charges to classify movies, and another inserted a "game version" of it into Steam's subscription service as a wake up call apparently. After golf, and aquariums, I just presume

    "Raj and Ted's Excellent Adventure"