
Exactly. I'd be afraid Norman might think, "Hey, it's small but it would make a cute gift for Madeleine…or baby Kate if Dylan and Emma come to visit…or it would look nice in the motel office next to the owl…"

So, now on top of worrying about nearly every character on this show I've got to worry about Chick's bird???
Chick has a bird!!
And that cage is too damned small!!

I would watch this show for Hedda's hats alone (the wardrobe department and costume design people must've had a blast), but fortunately they've given us at least a hundred other delicious reasons to watch…including having Judy Davis under those hats.

Thanks for that info!
After posting my comment I was feeling a little guilty about being too lazy to look her up.
She's really good. I hope we've got more marital conversation scenes ahead of us.

I don't know about the writers for the rest of the series, but I read in TV Guide that more than half the directors on Feud are female, including Helen Hunt (episode 7), and last year Murphy formed the Half Foundation to make sure that 50 percent of all crews on his shows are women or minorities. I think that's

Yeah, but I doubt that it lasted till they reached their destination.
I make a mean peach cobbler (it's a Southern thing). I've seen people resort to mild name-calling over who gets the last of it. My step-father once risked the ire of my mother (a terrifying prospect) by declaring mine was better than hers. Good

"Even you aren't man enough to satisfy two women."
Alfred Molina's scenes with his wife are almost as good as his scenes with his stars. It's poignant how his wife combined subdued accusation and heartache over his infidelity with insightful and sensitive advice on how to handle the temperamental but very human divas

"…LA Confidential levels of layers at work."
Were I not already watching this show and captivated by it, that one comment of yours would sell me on it and have me tuning in stat.

Just goes to show what drive, ambition and fear of that down-hill slide can accomplish. Fortunately for all of us, the combination of those attributes with real talent gives us icons and legends. And they're still entertaining us.
I've always felt a certain amount of sympathy for these ladies, despite their famous

I loved Sleepy Hollow's first two seasons, then got side-tracked and stopped watching. This season I sort of drop in on it, just because I occasionally need to see Tom Mison arch one of those eyebrows, and listen to that smooth voice. Plus, the writers still give him some really amusing lines as he (still) deals with

Could Bud make guest appearances?
I miss the little varmint.

I hope so! Surely they won't leave us hanging. It looks like there are some story threads they're going to leave not exactly tied up, but I can't believe they'd leave Monrosalee pregnant and undelivered.
There are too many fans looking forward to ooohing-and-aaahing for them to do that.
I think.
I hope.

Whew! That's a relief. I'm no more evil than you!

True. But does that make me even more of a wanton hussy than I've already confessed to?

I liked the 3-dimensional design of the book covers, although I'm sure 3D stuff is available at Spencer"s (I've never been there either!!!). And I also liked Eve's conversational tone of voice when speaking to them.

And one or two might be pandas in little hoodies!
More squeee-ing!!!

That's true love! And it was so cute how she then teased him and got him all flustered by asking, "So, my face is changing? "
I don't know if they could get much more adorable. Although when the kits arrive they might exceed all expectations.

Monroe being protective.
Monroe romantically quoting Yeats, being sweet and funny at the same time.

I'm like you. I was dreading Norma's death. But I was surprised at how they handled it. I won't say what happened in case you eventually watch it, but rest assured it was not violent. Sad of course, but not what I had feared. I had dreaded Norma knowing her life was being ended by her beloved Norman. But she didn't

Chick is such an oddball character.
He's insinuating himself into Norman's life, possibly for monetary gain (the book he's planning to write ), and for a place to stay in the meantime, seemingly with no real comprehension of the danger he's putting himself in. But then again, he doesn't seem to be "all there".
He has a