
And have little babuschkas!

He is just sooo watchable.

I took it more like the latter, like his idea of guy-to-guy gentle ribbing. But whatever it was, seems like it would've made Philip uncomfortable.
Heck, it made me uncomfortable.

Those Fargo promos combined with this season premiere were almost too much for me. I was fighting hyperventilation.

If I'd known they were gonna do that, I could've/would've taken a shower and spared myself all that tension.

It also seemed a little weird that Stan started such a cheery conversation with Philip by saying "You remember Sandra, right?" Nothing like a little passive-aggression between buds.

You read my mind, Bill.
I've always worried about the environment, now there's even more reason to worry about it… and everything else

Yes, Chick is a strange hipster/backwoods combo, even though no real-life hipster would be caught dead in the backwoods.
He's almost like a bit of a crossover with Hurst's "Outsiders" character, Little Foster.
Whatever it is, it's interesting and…eye-catching.

Gotta say it. Kudos to Kenny Johnson for taking a difficult role and making it heartbreaking, memorable and giving it more depth than would've been suspected when first presented.

That would be priceless, and worth multiple viewings.

A couple more random Chick thoughts…

I am blinded by Chick's sartorial splendor and sense of style.

Please do! And don't worry about a tendency for verbosity. I sometimes think "verbose" should be my middle name. I guess it comes from a love of words. Sometimes I rein it in, sometimes I let 'er rip. Just say what you're thinking in whatever manner feels natural to you.
One thing I love about this forum and the AV

Our winters vary so much! This winter was unusually warm except for a couple of cold snaps in December, hardly any snow or ice. But other times it's pretty rough. We never know what to expect, but overall milder than what you get in Michigan. I'm going to look into lilacs, when to plant, etc.
Thank you for the info

Those names are Greek to me, so I googled them. Some of the images look like the holly bushes that came pre-planted in the patio garden of my condo when I bought it several years ago. Somehow they've survived without any real help or hindrance from me.
Also, there's a spot nearby, at my old college campus, where I

Even better! Now I appreciate him and his realism even more.

He seemed sort of world-weary, yet determined to do his best wrangling that wild bunch under his command. I remember in that first viewing how I hated to see him go.

I'm not sure about the bird. I've seen a couple of hawks lately (pretty close up) so might've had them on the brain.

What a lovely comment. And I won't consider you a lurker but an interested reader/observer instead. Before I became an active AV Club member I used to read the reviews and comments after each episode of Justified (during its last season) with great interest and amusement. When they got to its series finale I just had

"Born on the Bayou" is now happily thumping away in my head.