
I wasn't aware of The Gifted so I watched the trailer. Didn't do much for me, either. Love Amy, but it looks too teenagerish for me (says the grown woman who has loved several youth-oriented shows, but this just looks maybe a little too teen-y for me. I guess soon I'll be telling kids to get off my lawn). Might be fun

As long as no eles get hurt (Mist-y or not). They're more intelligent (and compassionate) than the citizens of Bridgeville seem to be.

Talk about the heebie-jeebies! I like John Cho, but don't think I can go that route. Too chicken.
I've heard Crazy Ex-Girlfriend was pretty good but haven't seen it at all. If you thought it's worthwhile I might give it a go.
Heard anything about "Inhumans"? I'm not usually that into stuff that originated in comics

Yep. If I had to run into one of them in a dark alley in the middle of the night, I'd much prefer Harmony (even at her worst).
Heck, I'd even rather it be Angelus than Kellyanne. That woman gives me the heebie-jeebies. Bigly.

And he gave himself bangs.
Straight, spiky bangs.
Not feathery sideswept bangs (which would've been forgivable, maybe), but ugly bangs. And as you said, still dirty.
In the midst of all the post-apocalyptic chaos they need to take a moment with Nick for some sort of hair intervention.

And Wilde!
That perked me right up. I love a good conversation with a literary bent.

And that made me think of my favorite candy bar*

I missed the fall. And although I'm usually a pretty nice person I kind of wish I'd seen it as I find Adrian a tad annoying.

And ditto.

I was just about to say the same thing. The mystery of the Arrowhead military project runs through each version of this story, and was mentioned last week, too. So I assumed that's what they were trying to write.

Deep-fried Snickers, at that.
Never had one. And now I'm desperate to try one.
I might have to check out my state's next State Fair. Bound to be one soon. And I'm in Kentucky. Bound to be deep-fried Snickers there, or something very similar.

I couldn't think of his name and had not yet worked up the energy to look it up. Thank you!

Thankfully! Won't mention details here, but it was just visually similar and striking. And any little thing that jolts me with a Justified flashback is always a good thing.

After Emmit pulled away, that shot of the two vehicles (and shooters) on the road reminded me of Justified…Raylan's confrontation with the hat-guy in the finale, just the way it was shot. Gave me a little thrill.

A lot of us were disappointed at the start of this season, but I really think it picked up speed, quality and overall Fargo-ness as it progressed (especially the last three episodes). I even like that there was an element of the supernatural, just as last season there was a glimpse of the otherworldly. And the

I would love to visit there but I'm way across the country (Kentucky), and when I get a chance to go on vacation I usually head to Florida (that's my favorite beach at Destin in my avatar).
However, this is weird because right now I have "short-cuts" on my phone's home screen to the San Diego Zoo's live webcams (and

Agreed, on every point.
And love your avatar. So cute!

And that warms my heart.

I'm so glad! I've mentioned her and that show in a couple of different threads without getting a real response. I've also mentioned Kenny Johnson, who was really good in Saving Grace as Grace's fellow cop and sometime lover, in the Bates Motel comments (don't know if you watched that series, but he played Vera

So…not one of those kids offered Geoff a hit?
I mean, I know he's a severed head with no ability to inhale but gee…teens today just don't have any manners!