
Men's rights activists. I wasn't sure, either. Looked it up in the Urban Dictionary.

It was. They reacted as if a huge Viking horde had suddenly arrived at their gates instead of just two men. Or maybe they thought more were lying in wait close by. Either way it shows how pervasive their fearsome reputation was.

Good, I'm not the only one who thought it was affecting him in some way. We weren't exactly on the same track, but close enough.
I didn't think of Aethelstan, but I was thinking just last week that I wish Ragnar would mention him, or how he still misses him, being as he's been so reflective about the important people

On their way in to see Rollo…
Bjorn: "Floki, don't do anything stupid."
Floki: "I've never done anything stupid in my whole life!"

That was terrific! And they directly addressed what I was wondering about. I enjoyed the whole interview, and the trailer at the beginning is longer (and more exciting) than the others I've seen.
Thank you so much!

I'm looking forward to seeing Ragnar and Ecbert together again and what that conversation will be like. They were once fairly friendly, but the promo next week doesn't look too cozy.

You're so right.
The last couple of years I've been really disappointed when awards season starts (as it just did with the Golden Globe nominations). Whether it's the Globes, Emmys or other "lesser" awards, this show deserves recognition. Same goes for Bates Motel. Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore should each have

I'm quickly losing respect for Lagertha. Killing her own people, many of whom would have been former friends and neighbors, to redress old wounds and grievances is going too far. Overkill, you might say.
And I'm not too happy about Ragnar killing his own people either, even for more pragmatic reasons. Regardless of the

Ha! That was even better than I remembered it! And I'd forgotten that it was Hart Bochner…always liked him. Thanks!

I find him really likable, too.
You know how we occasionally (rarely) get little moments of levity where someone says something amusing? I'd love to see a scene where the writers make use of Ross Marquand's impersonation skills and let him do a little Walken, Pacino or Spacey…like, to make his partner laugh or

I kind of got a kick out of the way Rick whirled around and looked at Korl much the same way a pre-apocalyptic parent would upon being told his kid had spray-painted graffiti all over the high school gym.

My attention was drawn to him as well and I was impressed by how realistic his reactions were, horror and helplessness combined. I remember thinking that was probably exactly how I would've reacted in each case. It made you feel for him (and everyone) even more.

Same here. I actually enjoy his scenes now. I think I like the fact that he's come to grips with his earlier problems and he's now simply a good man who cares about others and tries to help..which is what he should be as a clergyman. He has evolved, and I'm glad the writers have given him that arc.

It got to me, too. I'm glad it went beyond that initial nod that was the typical "Whas up?" type of guy-greeting. Within a half-second it shifted to him looking down, lip quivering, like a little boy who's been really hurt and can't hold back his emotions. So I wanted that deeply felt embrace between them, especially

It's hopeful that they'll get him back, which is probably going to require this resurgence of their fighting spirit. So, I'm hoping.

I knew Spencer was a goner (and it's about time) the moment he went up those porch steps to be all friendly with Negan. He must have never seen "Diehard." Remember early on in the siege when that overly-confident, sleazy, smarmy attorney tried to schmooze Hans (the wonderful Alan Rickman, RIP)?
You just can't

Perfect! My grandmother used to make sassafras tea when I was little (as well as a mean cup of cocoa), but I'd forgotten about it. You brought back a very pleasant memory. Thanks ever so much.

Me, too. I would just also need a dog and/or cat to curl up with along with that good book.
And a cup of cocoa…or sweet tea….

Well, I'm not going to be pithy and critical as we all sometimes are. I think it was nice to end a half-season (or mid-point or any other point) feeling touched and a little inspired instead of traumatized.

I bet "ex" is the most important part of that sentence.