
If he leaves I'll probably stick with the show (having watched since the beginning). But it definitely won't be the same…at all.

You're making me more curious about it.

That was Andy Hallett's first real acting job, so it's always amazed me how good he was as Lorne. He took a fantastical character (green empath demon from another dimension, how much more fantastical can you get?) and imbued it with such humanity. Of course it was good writing, too, but he really made it special. I

Excellent!! And I'm tickled pink that you know exactly what I'm talking about!
Can you imagine if Negan had to sing for Lorne (rest in peace, Andy)? That would be a hoot.

Well, we don't know where Ragnar was or what he was doing during his absence. But he obviously had some sort of major epiphany during his wanderings.
After his beautiful and touching conversation with Lagertha last week, the last thing I expected was that scene with Aslaug in which he acknowledged the difficulties in

Young Travis looks a lot like my first love. I was struck by the resemblance the first time I saw him, and a friend from my school days has also remarked on it. So, the more they dirty and ugly him up the more I feel personally aggrieved. Okay, I know it's for the role, but what a shame to do that to such a gorgeous

I like sci-fi, so I'll add it to my list of things to watch. Thanks for the input!

I haven't seen The Expanse, so I just googled images from it and…oh, my! That is not a good look on him, either (and I've always thought he's a pretty attractive man)!
Thanks for my first chuckle of the day.

You're so right. I always enjoy complex characters and the mixed emotions they can generate (especially when so well acted), but this guy is giving me a severe case of emotional whiplash.

True, but I have to admit I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of oily sleaziness King Ecbert's been up to. Linus Roache is delightful to watch.

He said "Hurry up, we've got a tide to catch." I watch every episode with the CC on, I'm too afraid I'll miss something (especially as everyone speaks with an odd little clipped accent).

When King Harald made his entrance, I was surprised to see his brother (he of the semi-Flock-of-Seagulls hairdo) by his side. After all, the last time we saw Halfdan he looked Halfdead. And he'd been so awful I was kind of hoping he ended up Alldead.
Oh, well. If he hangs around we can always consider his hair a bit of

I'd pay good money to see that!

First paragraph made me laugh 'cause it sounds all too true!

Speaking of Buffy, Korl singing "You Are My Sunshine" made me flashback to Angel…when Ilyria was taking over Fred. Made me really miss Wesley, Fred, Spike and that entire little gang of e-vil-fighters. And as I was a little bored, I entertained myself for a few moments imagining a scenario where they had to deal with

I did the exact same thing.

Agreed. If I'm enjoying a show, the longer the better. But I was pretty bored throughout this episode. I only perked up a little when Olivia smacked Negan across his puerile, smirking mouth…when Daryl actually spoke (I'd almost forgotten what he sounded like )…and when Negan dared to pick up Judith. It took great

I'm afraid he'd leave some cooties behind even just doing that.

Eugene reminds me a little of the Cowardly Lion who, even though afraid of everything including his own tail, finally found his courage. It came from caring for his companions, just as it did for Eugene. I wanted to smack Rosita.

It's pretty amazing if you think about it. A former model who had little acting experience has now had us all enthralled for almost four years with his slightest reactions and expressions. He conveys humor, mystery, and pathos with seemingly little effort and to great effect.
I really hope his exit is not coming too