
I can't figure out why Gaga's character sounds vaguely Eastern European…doesn't fit in with the story. As for the whole assemblage, I'm not sure what would explain such a strange assortment and conglomeration of accents…besides bad acting. But it almost seems deliberate. Maybe they're trying to confound us. If so,

That's interesting. I didn't see Asylum, so I'm glad you pointed that out. I like these little overlapping elements and details.

It really was. I loved how it came right on the heels of Cricket's dramatic telling of the tale and how he was going to have to go into the woods that night to face the ghostly colonists..and then the sound of his phone's text notification. Sort of an intrusion of the modern (and real) world, and almost like a punch

You made so many good points there. I've had the same thought about how Native American lore could be interesting if part of the story. They're throwing so many things together it's creating quite a mishmash of ideas. Talk about muddying the waters! Indian characters, imagery or lore could be a welcome (and logical)

You're welcome!
I don't think I giggled, but there might have been a slight smirk. Or an eye-roll. This show provokes a wide range of reactions from me, including occasional laughter and sometimes horrified cringes. But I have to admit, being a history buff, I'm interested in this particular storyline in spite of

You're welcome!
And I've had the exact same thoughts about Matt and Shelby. I get so frustrated! Then I have to remind myself, if they did the sensible thing and left, we'd have no show. But man, are they clueless (and exasperating)!!!

I didn't even catch the Mott connection, and didn't know there's supposed to be some tie-in! And I agree about Denis O'Hare. He's the main reason I stuck with this show last season. I remember thinking he was an interesting actor back when he was in True Blood, but it took his turn as Liz to make me a real fan.
And I

Ha! I also think of Lovecraft when I hear "old gods" (read "The Dunwich Horror" as a kid and it scared the bejabbers out of me).
"Old Gods" also reminds me (fondly) of "Angel". Anyone remember Ilyria? And that great shot of all those stored in The Deeper Well?

I watch this and some other shows with the CC on (too afraid I'll miss something), and noticed that when Gaga spoke the captioning identified her as "Skathach". I vaguely remembered that name as a character in Celtic mythology so I googled it for further detail. Skathach was a warrior-queen/assassin/teacher in the

"Honestly, I'd murder for a Coke Zero."
"Oh, that's my Uber."
"Sage, sacred herbs, pocketbook of chants."
"It was just a question!"

We appear to be in the same proverbial boat.

Oh, but I do blink at a man getting his throat cut on tv. As a matter of fact I close my eyes or change channels. I said in a comment here just last week that I've skipped nearly season of this show because of the violence and sadism (that's to humans), and I only started watching last season because I enjoy the

I'm feeling reeeally sorry for the porcine population of that particular county. It appears nary-a-one is safe.
Seriously though, I'm fed up with depictions of cruelty to animals and mutilation in every…single…episode so far. They need to ease up on that.

Now I'm even more intrigued.
Thanks for the feedback. I do plan to check it out.

You've really piqued my curiosity and interest now. The fact that they gave "Asylum" some emotional depth and characters you can invest in makes me want to give it a go. It's sort of like my love/hate relationship with "The Walking Dead"…hate the gore, love the characters.
And I think I get what you mean about "Buffy"

I didn't see "Asylum".
Really, "Hotel" was the only season I watched in its entirety, and that's mostly because I enjoyed the post-ep autopsies and people's comments here. The very first season I dropped out just 2 or 3 episodes in. Gave "Coven" and "Freak Show" a try but couldn't really commit. I have a problem with

You're right. But they do have one person who should be capable of more. I've always been a little disappointed at Tim Minear's involvement with this show. Anyone who cut their teeth on "Angel" and "Firefly", who was a part of the Whedonverse at its most creative, should be able to surprise and delight us. I keep

Ha! True! But that might be unintentional on the writers' part.
They write (mostly in earnest?)…we snicker.
I'll take comic relief any way I can get it in a show like this.

Nope. But…I might've been doing some blinking and glancing away because I knew Kathy was about to do something horrendous.
I did, however, notice Gaga's name in the end credits. I cringed at that.

Denis O'Hare is always interesting and fun to watch, as he was in this episode…but I don't know if he can ever top Liz from last season. I miss her, and the gentle humor the character provided. It's looking like this season could use (and might need) a little comic relief somewhere along the line.
Or at least my