
There definitely are different aspects to what he was saying that one can wonder about. This show might have more layers than are apparent at first glance.
As for Danson, you should at some point in the future binge-watch at least a couple of seasons of "Cheers". There's a good reason it's so beloved and considered

Yes, maybe her actual dog hadn't passed on yet and so they provided her with a replication until he/she can actually join her. Or at least that's how I'd like to see it. This reminds me of a little poem I've read before…
"Heaven would not Heaven be,
were my pets not there with me".
Btw, I've seen that in two versions,

I agree wholeheartedly. You succinctly stated the highlights of his career and now you have me wanting to have some kind of binge-watching retrospective of appreciation in addition to rewatching Fargo.

Indeed, that sounds heavenly, too!
All shapes, sizes, species…the more the merrier.

I, too, was surprised (and I flinched) when Michael kicked the puppy. So I was relieved when he explained it was a "construct" and not a real dog. My idea of any kind of Heaven would have non-human animals running around all over the place, and I noticed at the beginning of the show there was a store-front(?) sign

Same here.
And I hope no one starts figuratively flinging rotten eggs at me, but I think the Kimmel/Damon schtick is starting to wear a little thin, and took up a little too much time.

Well, surely everyone can agree Beneficial Cucumbersalad is a fine actor…and good for you.

I was really surprised when she was nominated for that same reason, she'd had such a small role and so little screen time.
But I found myself thinking about how much she did deserve the Emmy she won a few years ago for "Justified". She could just bask in the glow of Mags Bennett forever. That was an unforgettable

Amen to every word of that.
A few nights ago FX started rerunning Fargo, airing the first two episodes. I found myself marveling at it all over again, every aspect from dialogue to music to atmosphere. I think I'll have to rewatch the whole thing. With something that good, once is not enough.

…and "violins" on tv!

Okay…so "The People Vs.You-Know-Who" was deserving of some awards (especially Sarah Paulsen), but I hated to see it overshadow "Fargo" and "The Americans", both excellent shows on oh-so-many levels.

I'm okay as long as there's no "Drilldo Dan" (or equivalent thereof) running around. But the whole season stretches out before us.
I sincerely hope they stick with creepy-atmospheric instead of sadistic sexual violence. Then again, this is AHS. I had to bow out a few episodes into the first season…stayed away until

Nobody is….so far. We'll see how Ms.R. stacks up. She may outdo her, in either direction.

I agree.
Btw, love your username/avatar (I was a member of the Cousteau Society for years) and that little twist you put on it made me laugh out loud first time I saw it.

That's what I'm worried about. I've been wowed by the quality of the acting on this show (by nearly the entire cast), and I couldn't help cringing at this bit of news. Maybe Rhianna was attracted to the part because of the iconic shower scene and her exhibitionist tendencies (only partly kidding), but I don't know

The Lady in Redshirt?

I agree wholeheartedly, but also wish I could be high-fiving someone on behalf of Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore.

That electronic score was so memorable. Just reading your comment I can hear it even though I haven't seen the film in many years. It rolled right along perfectly with all the running…and running. I think I'll have to do a rewatch soon.

You got that right. They were a high point.
The Baseball Furies…Kiss if they'd taken a different road in life.

Had to laugh both times. I don't know which was funnier…William thinking he could out-run Philip and Elizabeth or William thinking he could out-run a whole flock of FBI agents. I really think he would've had trouble out-running Gabriel. Poor William.